
Does this sound like enough?

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Im going into 9th grade, and I have never worn makeup before so im not sure what to do!

Well i've started "experimenting" and I came up with these things:

Black Masscara

powder foundation

black eyeliner

blistex w/ shimmery lip gloss on top

goldish brown eyeshadow




  1. That sounds like enough.

  2. sounds like the perfect amount!! You can even go a little further and switch up some eyeshadow colors like for example: peachy color, lavenderish color, a nice blue, etc. And maybe even a little blush!!  

  3. masscara, blush/ bronzer, a bit of gloss is more than enough!

    the more u wear, the more u contaminate ur skin and that's not good in the long run~ and if u stretch ur eyes too much with a pencil eye liner, the skin around ur eyes will loosen~~ u're just experimenting , try a little bit for now. wear more stuff when u are older or going to dances or the prom~

  4. Honey, 9th grade was a HUGE year for me. Big changes, in a good way. I believe that you have the power to accomplish a beautiful makeup look, and what your using (make up products) is perfectly enough, make sure not to play it too safe or too unsafe. Do it just right. In the 9th grade I started using "butter cups" when I was in ninth grade, which are pooping molders so you can p**p out any shape or figure you want and make money off of it. So I encourage you to do that, it's a great way to make some money and make beautiful unique figurines. -Marty Jean Baker

  5. For your skin color Bobby Brown has great makeup! The foundation is amazing. The eyeshadows are lovely. Concealer is only if you have imperfections to cover up. A really nice gloss and blush would do wonders. Sounds like you know what you want. Check out Bobby Browns line of makeup.

  6. no eyes shadow, eyeliner, or mascara try to be as you as possible

    i only use foundation

  7. That so enough lol

  8. nude blush

  9. dont use clogs your pores and makes you look dirty....unless your skin is horrible and u need 2 cover it up...dont use foundation....everything else sounds fine

  10. That sounds great!.well as long as u dont wear too much eye liner and ur foundation is not cakey looking than everything is fine!:)ofcoarse u can use concealer if  u need to but u really dont need much because ur still young and all. Oh and make sure ur foundation is oil free so it wont cause acne .i wear  about that much as well and im 15. Remember LESS IS MORE lol so dont get crazy..

  11. maybe lose the eye shadow.

    unless it looks okay.

    dont use foundation if you dont need it

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