
Does this sound like fun to you?

by  |  earlier

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i made a bet with a friends that i could still host a party or event were there would be no drugs or alcohol and it would still be fun. so my idea is to get a group of about 25 teens (15-18) and do a scavenger hunt in a grocery store. we are going to meet at a near by pizza place eat and divide into teams. then at the grocery store each team will get a different list and they have to find the items listed. I'm still working on the list but i know it will have condoms, laxatives, a tooth brush that sings to you, and a bunch of other stuff. i still have to come up with the prize for the winning team, but they will get a prize. after wards we are all going to get ice cream at a near by cold stone. so my question is does this sound like a fun night to you. also if you have any ideas of what to put on the list or prizes that would be greatly appreciated.




  1. thats an awesome idea! if your friends think you cant have fun without alcohol and drugs then theres something wrong with them.

    i'd do it in a walmart or something like walmart cuz then you have more choices. and treat the winners to a gift card to the store or somewhere cool

  2. i would so come to that party. sounds like an amazing time. =]

  3. that would be fun and you should make it

    that after they get the stuff from the grocery store

    they get a shopping cart and race back to the pizza place or  ice cream place.

  4. Sounds fun

  5. hahah that sounds so awesome. i'd love to go and do that with my friends.

    idk what you could really put on that list though. tampons, old people diapers, prune juice, spray cheese? or you could put like: find the worst smelling shampoo, deodorant, etc.

    prizes... gift cards and stuff? like itunes or clothing stores or whatever.

    Hope i helped a little:)

  6. haha

    great idea i think.

    i think the losing team should have to buy ice cream and have to do something ridiculous in the grocery store. like.. streak or something lol.

    maybe the prize could be....

    something at their request for under X amount of money or something for each of the team members.

  7. so glad you shared

  8. that actually sounds like alot of fun! but if you tell people that theres going to be no alcohol then there most likely not to come.....just an FYI

  9. That sounds like so much fun! And how about this: The losers have to buy everything in their shopping cart with their own money. And how about you put Birth Control Pills and Toe Fungus Remover (if they have it) On the list. And if you do it at a Walmart (you should do it there, they have more choices), You should also add "Uglyest Dress You Can Find", "Best Eyeliner" "Prettiest Shade Of Red Lipstick" "Best Mascara" and "Nicest Eyeshadow" on the list. And You Should have team captains, and the losers team's captain has to be given a 'makeover' with the makeup, and wear the dress around the whole neighborhood! That would be hilarious.

    Hope everything works out at the party!

    And no offense, but your friends are brain dead if they think parties are no fun if there isn't any drugs or alcohol.  

  10. that sounds so fun, i want to do it now,, i was thinking of havin one 3 years ago,, but yeah that sounds fun,, how about the prize can be the iteams on there shopping list?

  11. That sounds like shopping carts of fun!! lol Maybe you could put... a d***o if they have themm... lol or something that looks like one? lol umm... a prego test... idk. But I'm jealous lol I wanna come!! :)

  12. YEAH! That's the kind of goofy nerdy thing that i would love and have an excellent time doing. That's a hella awesome night and I'd have a blast and so would a lot of my friends. You're brilliant for thinking this up

    Ideas for the list:

    A pregnancy test (a lot of grocery stores have these)

    A chocolate donut

    Something with over 2000 calories all together (like if it has 10 servings, and each serving size has 200 calories, then all together it has 2000 calories)

    Something organic and with a lot of vitamins

    Diapers or tampons

    etc ...

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