
Does this sound like pregnancy or PMS?

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My husband and I had s*x on July 27th, which would have been right around the time I was ovulating. Starting that following Monday I started getting nauseous but I didn't think to much about it. The thing is it was a week before my period should have started and I was getting crampy, dizzy, achy and pains in my bbs, and lower back ache (which normally doesn't occur with PMS for me), and tired. Since then the nauseous has subsided (it lasted about a week) I also have been extrememly bloated and craving everything salty. Normally I crave a little sweets when I am PMSing but I don't want anything to do with them. I am now a day late, I took a pg test but it came back negative.

Has anyone ever had symptoms come and go like that during their pregnancy and also had a negative test but indeed turned out to be pregnant?




  1. Unfortunately itmight notbe pregnancy. I am currently pregnant with #2 and after 2mos of trying I just got my + yesterday. Last month though my body did something totally weird and I was convinced that I was pregnant. I was nauseas, felt cramping, sore BB's, I mean the works...and since I don't really feel PMS like that, I thought of course pregnancy. Then 2 weeks after a missed period it showed up and although very light I guess it was just my body getting back to normal. Then one week after my period hubby and I BD'd and after 14days I got my +.  I tried 11days after but got a negative. My advice is wait at least 14days from intercourse and then testing.

    Best of Luck and wish you the best.

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