
Does this sound like?????????????????

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diabetes? gestational or not?

9w 2d pregnant



excessive thirst

aversion to sweets

small bouts of "passing out" (will be awake one minute and the next be out so deep that my husband has to yell to wake me up)

excessive urination/urgency

I have had these symptoms since before I was pregnant. I was getting ready to go to the docs to have them check my sugar levels, but with getting pregnant so suddenly and unexpectedly (had a baby 6 mos. ago) It totally slipped my mind. Now the symptoms are worse.

Typically, my OB does a diabetic screening at 6 mos. gestation. Should I wait or do you think I should ask to test early?




  1. you need to tell your doc now...and it sounds like your dehydrated too that would explain fatigue and black outs drink 8-10 glasses of water a day and watch your sugar intake until you can have the screening

  2. You definitely need to express your concerns to your doctor now.  Don't wait until the screening at 6 mos.

  3. If you are passing out, you need to get to your dr. ASAP or go to the ER. It's very important for the health of you and your baby. Call your doctor's answering service and see what he/she recommends. Good luck!

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