
Does this sound like the right thing to do?

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I get cut from the JV team because of what grade I'm in and I've been playing for 8 years. Another junior made the JV team even though he's playing for his first time. Another junior, who's been playing for about 4 years also gets cut. There are twenty-two people on the JV team and the varsity coach apparently said to keep the younger players.

(I didn't make varsity because the varsity team only had two or three spots left and my usual position was already filled.)

I just want to know your opinion. I'm about to lose my cool.




  1. Do this when you are calm and have taken time to cool off.  It is never good to go at an issue like this when you are worked up.  Speak up for yourself if you feel you have been treated unfairly.  If you accept unfair treatment it will continue.  It would be a good idea to take a school councilor with you when you confront the coach for an explanation.

  2. You tried your best and the other people might have had more entheusiam than you.  So keep your spirits high and try agin.

  3. Coaches are biased. They'll put people they like in even if they aren't as good as people they don't like. Our varsity's libero was baaad, but she played almost every game (because she was a senior). The JV's libero (a soph.)  is AWESOME so she got to play in some varsity games.

    When my sister was a junior, there were only 3 people cut. They were all juniors and all better than some who made the team. They didn't go out again after that. If you really think that you are better than some who made the team, watch some of the games this season and if they seemed to have done badly, then it's their loss. If you still want to be on the team, go out again, but it's your choice.

    I play middle hitter. I'm not the greatest, but I got better by the end of the season. My fresh. year I never made JV and I was the only one who didn't make it. Everyone else eventually got a jersey. This past season I started most of the JV games, but I'd run hot and cold- sometimes I did good and other times I made a bunch of dumb mistakes and couldn't seem to fix them and the coach would get mad. That's the reason why I didn't play as much as I liked.

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