
Does this sound okay?

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in a few years i will be looking into working and training at an infant school as a teaching assistant, however my mother works at the same school as a teaching assistant too, i dont know whether by the time i join she would have retired or if it would still be okay us working in the same school, obviously we wont be working together but would the employer mind?

Please help






  1. apply to other schools and keep your mother's school as a back-up.

    employers usually frown on hiring family members.

    potential issues and awkwardness are known to always crop up.

    besides...don't you want privacy? or to do your own thing? start your new chapter fresh?

    your mother can still help you with advice from her experience when you are teaching somewhere else.  that distance will help to bring you closer, believe it or not!

  2. I think that you should try to find another school, you `ll be always compared to your mother and no mater how good you are people`ll always see first your mother`s work then yours
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