
Does this sound resonable?

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Ok my mom wants me to go to a frisco school whitch i use to live in my unkles house with my mom when i was little so we kept on lying and said wel lived there when we moved somewhre clsoe but not in the distrrict.

But now we are moving again my mom promised that i could go to the school were going to.But she is doin the wrong thing and making me go to the rich snoby school.

And i want a normal life i cant tell ormy mom would be so pist.

What do i do???




  1. I'm a bad speller.  I freely admit it.  I almost never pick on anyone about their spelling....however.....

    I had to read your posting twice, to make sure I was understanding it, because your spelling is so bad.

    Your mother wants you to recieve a good education.  What she is doing is illegal.  

    Judging by your spelling, poor capitalization, and sentance structure, you are really not benifiting much by going to the better funded shcool.

    Tell your mother flat out what school you want to go to.  Realize of course that if you tell school officials where you actually live, your mother could be in trouble.  

    Work it out with your mother, don't try to purposely get her in trouble.  Serriously concider paying attention to your studies this coming year, and learning better spelling, and sentance structure.

    To be on yahooQ&A you must be at least 13 years old.  So if you are only 13 years old, that means you have only 5 years until you are a legal adult.  

    Right now, looking at what you typed, I'd say you would have a hard time filling out a job application, and get a job at McDonalds, or WalMart.  

    No matter what school you go to, pay attention to your studies....YOUR future is at stake.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  2. try to pick a school that goes into spelling ,to help you further on in life ,so look for academic levels ,not social

  3. it might be time for you to think about what you want out of life?

    fun today?

    nice life in 10-20 years.

    turns out that it's pretty unlikely you can have both.

    as for going to a rich s****. school that's not all bad.

    they'll work harder to help you get into college.

    one thing you ought to know is that on average, college graduates earn over $1,000,000 more than high school graduates over their lifetime.

    if that ain't good enough, what kind of house do you want?

    where do you want to live?

    it surely is your life.

    however, it's really nice when i see the violence that goes on in places where i don't live, to know that i don't have to live there.

    that's what money, and an education does.

    you may not like it now, but i absolutely guarantee, you will look back in a few years, and either appreciate, or lament, the decisions you make today.

    as for night's rant, <<I truely have a dislike for liberals as well...based on what they've done in the past history of this country to mess it up and attempt to turn it toward socialism.>> it would be good to keep in mind that it was the liberals that were in control the last time the US actually won a war.

  4. Well, some important info is missing, like your age, what kind of means you haev, etc. All factors bearing on what your options are. Alot of the under-legal-age people usually don't have a say.

    But I can sympathize, i personally have no fond idea of the elitists , pompus rich and mostly liberally tainted idiots in todays society. Too many have had their way for so long they wouldn't know true values, morals, independanc, or common sense if it came up and bit them in the behind.

    I truely have a dislike for liberals as well...based on what they've done in the past history of this country to mess it up and attempt to turn it toward socialism.

    GL, about all you can do is resist the temptation of becoming one of them and making your life '"all about you" and justifying stupid policy.

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