
Does this sound right to you?!?

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Ok. I work at a restuarant as a server. I make 2.65 an hour plus tips. We have a position called QSS which rolls silverware, stocks ice and glasses and helps run food when needed. They make $7.15 an hour (minimum wage) Plus tips from servers.

On our reports at the end of the night it shows our total sales, how many tables we had, how much money we owe the company and all that good stuff. Also on the report it says amounts on how much to tip out the QSS. (3% of our total sales)

Tonight i made $43 in tips in 4 hours. plus my hourly wage.

They tried making me tip out the QSS the minimum amount, which was $7.50! Are you freakin kidding me? That is 17% of my tips!

Just think, the QSS is on the clock from about 5-9, so he makes like 28 dollars, PLUS the tips. Which there were 7 servers on, that would make if everyone had to tip out $7...$49. SO he would make in total $77 for simple EASY work.

I don't think it is legal to MAKE us tip him out that much. If i don't tip him out.....




  1. What were your sales for the night?   The math above would indicate $250 if I follow you (250 * 3% would be $7.5)

    $43 is about 17% of your sales, which seems fair, but only if you didn't have to give up any tips.    

    It doesn't sound fair, I  would look else where or if the QSS's are consistently making that much, change positions.

  2. why not give him two bucks and see what happens.

    I am guessing that the report is not for everyone's eyes to see.

    So this guy probably has NO idea how much money you supposedly made it tips so he should have no idea what you were supposed to give to him.

    Not sure about you getting fired for that. I suppose that they could fire you for any reason that they wanted to.

    It does NOT seem fair to me but I dont know what you signed or agreed to when you started working there.

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