
Does this sound stupid, corny, and/ or tacky?

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My fiance and I (well, mostly me...) love the Princess Bride... and that LOOSELY the theme of our wedding... it's more of a faerie tale theme, but i'm saying it's loosely based because the storybook love is my processional song. Now, I was watching the movie tonight, and I heard the very last line that was read from the book was " Since the invention of the kiss, there have been five kisses that we rated the most passionate, the most pure...and this one left them all behind." now, would it sound corny to have that after the, you know, you may kiss the bride... I love the idea, I just didn't know how it sounded.... Please be honest... just not mean : )




  1. I'd think its kinda cute especially if you like it! I would get your sound guy a nice recording of it so he can push play right after your kiss.

  2. just me, but it might seem unusual to have your preacher say that in your actual ceremony. However I love the line and think that it would be great to include it in the end of a toast to your new hubby! Or make that the phrase of your wedding (you know how some people put bells on the table to be rung by your guests so you kiss this would be a great theme for that tradition too!) or maby have it printed on cocktail napkins or something of the like

  3. Stupid and tacky no but yes, it is a big corny. lol I like it though. Its cute and sweet and romantic so I say go for it. Have that printed on invitations,favors, things like that too.

  4. I say go fo it. It is your day to do with what you want. It doesnt sound corny or tacky. Its you putting your own spin on the wedding.

  5. well i think thats something thats only cute in movies...ya know? it sounds a little cheezy for real life.

  6. not cheesy if its your favorite movie and as long as he gets it.

    otherwise maybe a little, but still cool :)

  7. That sounds like all three. And your minister might not even be willing to say it. Anyone who doesn't get the reference to the movie will just think it's weird.

  8. Cheesy...

  9. I LOVE that movie, and so do most of my friends! Are you going to have the officiant read the line? Maybe he can base all of the vows on the book. There's some great wording in there!

    What's your gown look like?

  10. I like the answer someone above said about putting it in your toast, although I think that instead of having it in your toast, you should ask your maid of honor to say it in her toast - even if it's the only thing she says.  Very cute!

    ~and yeah, it's totally cheesy, but that's all part of the charm, isn't it? ;)

  11. I would do it at the reception, not at the ceremony.

    Just don't use this one at the ceremony - lol:

    Impressive Clergyman: "Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah… So tweasuwe youw wove…Have you the wing?"

  12. It would probably leave the guests thinking you were a bit crazy, but whatever..............

  13. i agree with the person who said it would be unusual to have the offeient say that durring the kiss.

  14. lol it's your big day, do whatever makes you happy. what is special and important to you matters, not what we think. you love the idea, then do it lol and congradulations!

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