
Does this sound stupid? bc people tell me it does?

by Guest11068  |  earlier

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I value reading because I find receiving any knowledge I can get to be useful. Reading is basically a way for me to escape my life and enter someone else’s. I believe that the more I read the more my vocabulary will expand and I will become a better writer as well. If anyone really thinks about it, there really is no down side to reading accept for if you didn’t enjoy the book you read.

do u agree with this or not? what can i do 2 make it better? thanks




  1. I totally agree.  And if you don't like the book you are reading, you can just put it down and pick up another.

  2. i agree!

  3. You have many unnecessary words.  Also, the word "you" has no place in this type of writing.

    I value reading because from it I gain knowledge.  Reading allows me to leave my own life and enter someone else's.  It also helps me expand my vocabulary and improve my writing.  There is no downside to reading.  If one does not like a particular book, there are many more available.

    If you choose to use your own, be sure to change "accept" to "except."

    Happy writing!

  4. yeah i agree people tell me that i'm stupid reading books.i don' read them like 24/7 i do play sports and go out with friends and stuff. honestly i think the person who told you that sounds stupid is stupid them self

  5. I totally agree I feel the same way.

  6. of course that doesnt sound stupid! i value reading 2. I always picture whatever I'm reading as a movie in my mind. :)

  7. That does not sound stupid one bit. Reading is a great way to exercise your mind. When you read you can do it faster and yes learn proper vocabulary. One of the things I did before Writing a book was look and read how other authors wrote their work. In case I was using incorrect Grammar and so on

    Just keep reading if you enjoy it that is all that matters  

  8. I total agree, but I would re-write it somewhat:

    I value reading because learning new things is always useful.  Reading is a way for me to escape my life and enter someone else's.  The more I read, the more my vocabulary expands, and I become a better writer as well. There is no downside to reading.  Even if you don't enjoy the book you are reading, you still have learned something, and you can always just stop reading the book.  

  9. I completely agree

  10. i totally agree. i love reading, because i learn alot of new words and stuff. you should read "you dont scare me" by john farris. its an awesome book trust me.

  11. I agree, in fact i read relentlessly thinking it will boost my future journalist career :D

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