
Does this sound weird to you

by  |  earlier

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I was messing around on my brothers guitar, because I knew no one was going to be home today. Then all of a sudden I had a felling like I should put it away quickly. Then right when I stepped out of his room door I could hear the front door opening and my brother came home. He didn't notice anything.

Am I psychic or is it a coincidence?




  1. Instincts.

  2. it was a coinqadink lol

  3. Wow! I think that's amazing! Has someone recently died that you think could be watching over you? If not, you are for sure psychic! Please emial me! I would like to know more about your powers!

  4. no probualy just probualy felt ur brothers idk how to say it but you know what i mean

  5. lol no its intuition

  6. You probably sensed that someone  was near and you'd get caught or your concience told you that you shouldn't be doing that and your brother coincidently walked in.

  7. Some things in this world are unexplainable, and these kind of bonds are one of them!

  8. intuition!! i get that feeling alot...its just kinda sudden but hey its usefull

  9. lol something like that happened to me once..except i made the wrong decision

    I had a feeling to leave but decided not to, then someone came in 2 minutes later

  10. I don't think your Psychic!

    Humans can of senses that somthing going to happen...its very confusing but the Brain is very complex so it would be hard to exsplain in words. You probley had a feeling that playing around with it would cause you trouble...the feeling she cam to you really quickly! But im not sure this was my thought...i know it sound a little stupid XD  

  11. probably just luck....

  12. This happens to me all the time its a bit freaky. I consider myself Psychic

  13. i guess u just had a gut feeling..

  14. It is simply because you were doing something you were not supposed to do, your senses were heightened. It is called a guilty conscience.

  15. hahaaha no it happens to every 1 atleast once...gut feeling man

  16. coincidence or intuition nothing weird  

  17. coincidence; happens to me a lot; you kinda have that feeling like you shouldn't be there.

  18. Um, well I don't know

    I get those feelings sometimes too

    but I wouldn't call myself psychic.

    If there are any other unusual psychic-ish stuff

    then i guess you can call yourself that.. lol

  19. i say coincidence...maybe you're used to him being home at a certain time? if not then holy cow you are a psychic...

  20. You definitely have a psychic connection

    with your brother.  ;-)

  21. Its the whole "fight or flight" phenomenon. You were doing something you weren't supposed to be. So subconsciously you may have heard a noise. This triggered a response in the body. That response was to put the guitar away because your mind was telling you that you might get caught for. It happens to me quite a bit. Usually with music. I will think of a song and then all of a sudden the song will play on the radio. Whats happened is my subconscious heard the first notes before I realized it was on the radio.

  22. Stuff happens and can not be confirmed until it happens recurrently. Then you can call yourself this or that. Just about everyone person has had some experience of this nature. There could be anything out there that we don't know about, so just keep your mind open and your memory clear and maybe you will learn more about yourself then you thought.


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