
Does this statement from Obama prove he is not a Christian?

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“I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”

Obama thinks that “all people of faith — Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone — know the same God.”

Christians believe that there is only ONE way to God...through Jesus Christ, who is suppose to be our Lord and Saviour.

It seems to me like he is more opened to other beliefs than his own...




  1. OMFG he is open minded that means he is a terrorist!

  2. That is hard to say weather or not he is in fact a Christian.

    I think it is more of him trying not to insult other people, but a badly formed statement though.

    Something maybe more like, I have may own beliefs and many other people have their own faith. either way every one wants to work to the same goal. As a Christian, we are aware of the past when Christians where prosecuted, and our country was founded on the principle of freedom of religion. So in this country country anyone can worship how they feel they should.      

  3. Obama is a Christian. He also says that He believes in salvation through Christ and other issues Christians faces other than abortion and g*y marriage.

  4. He's a politician, plain and simple. If he was campaigning in Israel he would be Jewish. If he was running in China he would be Buddhist. In India he would be Hindu. And if for some reason he went to Ireland he would be calling himself Catholic or Protestant. It depends on who the voters are. Because he is running in America he has to claim Christianity as his religion with a tolerance and acceptance for Jews, Muslims, and the many other beliefs people hold in our country.

    In a nutshell, Obama will tell you exactly what you want to hear and not what is the truth. Trust that as President??  h**l NO!!!!

  5. Based upon the bible and those words of his, he's not a Christian.

    Jesus said there is only one way to God --- through Jesus.

  6. He is a Universalist. John 3:16.  

  7. Christians, Jews, Muslims

    All believe in the God of Abraham.

    It's the savior that changes things.

    Jews believe it was just a story.

    Muslims believe he was a prophet (what kind of prophet says he's the son of God?).

  8. How dare he tolerate the beliefs of others! What sort of leadership is this? He needs to stop understanding and be less accepting!

  9. i agree with the both above, that's why he is liked so much. He's a product of the society in which he grew up in.  

  10. Obama was born a Muslim, and raised as one until about age 10.  So it shouldn't be surprising that now he has a more Unitarian (multifaceted) viewpoint towards God.

  11. The only thing I don't like about Obama is that he *is* a Christian. But I suspect he pretends to be a literalist when he certainly is too smart to actually be one.  

  12. If what you are asserting is true, then it only makes me like him more...

    Not everyone is Christian... in fact, most people in the world are not...

  13. What he is trying to say is that there is a higher power and the way each individual interprets it is different.

  14. Obama is what you want him to be.

    He's a creation of the media and all hype.

  15. If he was a Christian he would come out from among the evil.  Not campaign to be more deeply rooted in evil

  16. No, he is NOT a Christian, a Christian would never say it was OK to have an abortion or kill an infant, a Christian would never say an unplanned baby was a punishment.

  17. I thought Democrats believed in separation of Church from State....

  18. This proves that the same old right wing smear campaign is in full effect this year. I don't care if Obama is a Wiccan, he has my vote to change this country.

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