
Does this statistic worry you at all?

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As far as immigration is concerned, i don`t blame anyone for seeking a better life. If i was in the same position, i might well be doing the same thing.

Obviously things have changed a great deal over the last 20 years and as eastern europe has opened up, so have border controls.

I just fear that that this country does not have the resources to deal with the amount of people settling here.

Are we being expected to solve the world`s problems. I wish we could, but not at the expense of people in all communities living here.

All views welcome. :)




  1. Yes it does worry me,I agree with every word you have wrote. I don't blame any one for wanting a better life either but unfortunately it will be at the expense of our communities.

    Already the crime rate is going up I'm not saying this is because of immigration but when we let people into the country without any sort of check before they come in and then when it is decided to send them back  it is not  immediate and they are left to it what else can we expect?  

  2. I am in total agreement with you.  Britain is a small island and a good analogy would be that of a raft afloat at sea with all of the people from a sinking liner trying to scramble aboard.  No-one wins.

  3. I did my bit and left the country to make more space for you all.

  4. We need tougher immigrant laws..ahh that's really scarey.  

  5. Nah. When it gets too full I'm off over there. Cheap houses and empty roads, heaven.

  6. not bothered only means more work for me and more money when i retire

  7. You could start seriously investing in property because there's only one way that prices will go eventually____UP!!!! The more people there are here the more they need homes and simple supply and demand tells you that the prices are going to sky rocket again!!!

  8. No, because of the URL!

  9. Immigration is not a problem. The economy depends on immigration to keep the population growing. Because of low birth rates, high abortion rates we have "aging populations" really declining populations predicted by demographers in the 1970s. Without immigration economies would fail and will as the world's population decreases.

  10. My statistics worry me more.

  11. sorry, i don't understand

    I don't speak english

  12. You know that's the Daily Express Joanne? Don't believe the hype.  

  13. Of course it should.Demographics is not just about where the people come from.Leaving aside the Express's track record in winding people up - without facts to justify the headline - the projection is : a 25% increase in the UK population within a generation. Wherever that increase comes from (what percentage is just people living longer ?? ) it requires some attention and planning.

    "Uncontrolled" immigration in volume (note the word "volume") was never a good idea in a country like UK with so much social overhang from earlier decades.For all we hear that "immigrants are good for the country" the majority of immigrants do not arrrive at Heathrow with £250K in their back pockets.  

  14. There is nothing you can do about old people. You can stop foreign people coming here or at least try. I plan to move countries one day possibly USA or Australia.

  15. That problem is not only hitting England.    -----Spain and Portugal and France and Italy and Germany and Holland are all having the very same influx of people for eastern Europe. So I'm afraid that it is not England alone solving the world's problems but Europe being expected to solve them.

  16. The brains for our future are leaving - they're taking their small offspring with them and Australia and New Zealand are benefitting. We will become third world unless the rot stops!

  17. No.

    Only 56% of statistics worry me

  18. We will become the most populous country in Europe, not the most densely populated.  We won't even be that if Scotland leaves the Union.  Immigrants tend to be seeking a better life and are more productive than the indigenous population.  Despite what the Daily Express claims, few people come to Britain just to claim benefits (they'd get more in France of Germany).  So immigration benefits the economy.

    In terms of resources, that's down to population density rather than total numbers.  The more people we have, the more tax they pay and the more resources we get.  Our population density will still be less than Belgium of the Netherlands - and it doesn't seem to be doing them any harm.  And a tiny fraction of Malta or Monaco (what is it about countries beginning with M?)

  19. I'm sure when the Mayflower landed in america, the natives must have wished they had some advanced statistic like that. "USA population forecast to swell to over 300million by 2008!" That would have united them to chuck out those immigrants from Britain.

  20. There are far too many here as it is now.

  21. This country was over populated 20 years ago, now it is becoming increasingly unmanageable.


    What will happen if this prediction comes true, then I shudder to think.

    We will probably see yet another escalation in the crime figures, more slums than we have now, in fact we were beginning to clear them in some areas but that will become impossible if the population grows to such a level.

    We will have problems with housing, health care, schools, and the welfare state will be so over stretched that, as always, the vulnerable in our society will suffer the worst.


    The bit about more pensioners than children made me gasp in amazement.   According to the government it used to be the single mothers that were causing the ills of this country, now it is the pensioners who are to blame!!!

    How inconvenient that we are living too long, perhaps we should die earlier to make room for immigrants!!!!!!

    Dalli  There was much more space in America when the Mayflower arrived!!!

  22. its the Daily Immigrant newspaper.  I wouldn't take too much notice.  If you believe the Daily Express then every problem in this country is due to immigration, including the lack of phospfur in this years Welsh wool supplies.

  23. Not really but then I don't live there.

  24. logans run is the answer, lets shoot all the pensioners when they get to the age of 65 !  lol. only kidding. i think its already more than they say, they have no idea who is or isnt here anymore, we need stricter controls SOON, but it wont happen so dont hold your breath xx

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