I don't dig the idea of home schooling at all. I think it leads to the kid being socially retarded on some level. Maybe not to an extent that they're a freak once they hit reality, but I don't think it helps them. I went through the public school system until I hit 7th grade. In the years leading up to 7th, I dealt with over 100 people on a given day. I loved it. Then I got sent to a Catholic school where there were thirty kids in my class. It was heIIish. And to deal with almost no one but immediate family or a tutor all day? I think that's just not right. I guess there's a way to do it so your kid gets the right social stuff down, but it seems a lot harder to me. Also, wouldn't their concept of s*x by sort of skewed by yours if you gave them "the talk"? I got it from the public school system, and I have beliefs that are just about the opposite of my parent's as a result of being exposed to these new ideas. So what do you guys think?