
Does this summary describe the modern democrat?

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How could anyone vote for a political party that supports higher taxes, socialism, criminal rights over victims rights, minority special privileges, abortion on demand, expanded welfare programs that benefit the lazy, political correctness, illegal immigration, g*y marriage, government healthcare and a terrorists bill of rights while standing against our military mission in Iraq, a free market capitalist economy, limited federal government, national sovereignty and autonomy, free religious expression in the public square and personal property rights?

originally posted by liberal madness.




  1. Great question. Got one better the modern Republican. How do you support a party that gives tax cuts to those making over 750K and still increase government spending to pay off political favors, pass the debt on the the Chinese and your children, sexual predators in the senate of interns and cover it up, out a CIA agent because her husband disagrees with the pres (thats called treason boys), illegal immigration (McCain and Bush amnesty for Mexicans), allowed 9/11 to happen, let Bin Laden escape at Tora Bora,  took away your Bill of Rights with the Patriot Act, brought you $4-5 gallon gas, low property value for the house you just got foreclosed on, 4,000 dead in Iraq + 16,000 maimed, can't reward vets with a new GI Bill, religious nuts that slept with DC madam stable.

    originally posted by ashamed republican that will still vote for more of the above.

  2. Yeah, pretty much.  At least the far left ones.

  3. your right on!  And yet I see so many that don't understand what's going on and use their right to back and eventually vote for someone like this (Obama) just because what he says in speeches sounds so good. While not saying anything worth listening to.  Let's use Hilary  McCain and Obama in a little senario to show the differences of the 3. They are all three walking down a street together in DC and come upon a homeless guy.  McCain gives him his card and directions to his office and instructions to come to his office in the morning  to see if can find him a job. Then reaches in his pocket and hands him a 20.  They walk a bit further and spot another homeless guy and it's Hilarys turn, she gives the guy directions to the nearest welfare office, reaches in McCain's pocket pulls out some bills adding up to 50 dollars. He keeps 45 dollars for consulting fees and gives the bum 5 bucks. Then when they spot another Obama takes him aside and says be of good cheer change is coming! And gives him nothing.  That's pretty much it have a great day.

  4. pretty much sums it up friend

  5. supports higher taxes - for the RICH

    socialism - why do some need billions when others have none?

    criminal rights over victims rights - EQUAL rights

    minority special privileges - privileges that balance out social, educational, economical situations in order to grant equal rights

    abortion on demand - MY body, MY choice

    expanded welfare programs that benefit the lazy- it's not intended for the lazy, but it's hard to keep them away

    political correctness - more like accountability

    illegal immigration - rights for human beings that are already here (imagine if they were all paying taxes???)

    g*y marriage - again, equal rights

    government health care - it's proven that this proactive approach benefits everyone (but big pharma)

    terrorists bill of rights - read the Constitution and our Bill of Rights, it's genius

    while standing against our military mission in Iraq- we have enough to worry about over here

    a free market capitalist economy - good luck getting money into the hands of the working class

    limited federal government- honestly, this would be wonderful if people could tame their greed

    national sovereignty and autonomy- what have republicans done to keep industry/trade surplus in good ol America?

    free religious expression in the public square - dems are for ALL and EVERY form of public expression without demeaning or taking away from any other group or person

    and personal property rights - hmmm? are you talking about money or guns? because your amassing of either affects us all

  6. No democrat I know stands against 'free religious expression in the public square'. As long as you're not a government entity you can blow your horn all you want.

    Our money did not originate with "IN GOD WE TRUST". Our original National Anthem did not include "under God". Our constitution guaranties the freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. Republicans hate our constitution and repeatedly defile it. Your Christianity is not the only religion and your religion has no business being touted in buildings my tax dollars go towards building.

  7. I think most modern Democrats believe that the purpose of the Democratic Party is to support the underdog.  In reality the party mostly serves to make sure that a lot of people ARE the underdog.  Success turns most people away from the Democratic Party because punishment of success is one of the party's core principles.

    Who is doing more for the poor, someone who encourages and allows them to be successful or someone who takes the gains from their successes and redistributes them to others who never bothered to try?

  8. You forgot something, it also describes the modern Republican.  With the possible exception of the terrorist bill of rights.

  9. Beautifully stated.

    Commy b******s

  10. People get promises of "something for free" and their hands start twitching and their brains stop working.

    Ever been to Las Vegas?

    All those MAGNIFICENT buildings....   all built with LOSERS' money!    

    All those people who wanted "something for nothing" so bad.... they just kept handing it over.

    Democrats are the same.   Look at the blacks.  They are the BOTTOM rung of America's socio-economic ladder, and have been that way DESPITE 60 years of civil rights protections.....    but every 4 years, promise them a handout... promise them to "keep da man" in check....  they pull that lever and keep the plantation masters in power... and are ready to do it now with their puppet Homie the Muslim as their candidate.

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