
Does this tattoo look okay for an upper back tattoo?

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It's a memorial for my daddy who passed away last March and I hopefully will get it on my birthday next month when I turn 18 -- and no it is NOT a tramp stamp and WILL NOT be going on the lower back. Does it look okay for the upper back tho? Like, shoulder blade area, where wings usually are seen?




  1. Yeah i think it would look really cute there

  2. It would look abosultely amazing.

    put the daddy in like the center of the shoulder blades maybe? && the wings on each shoulder blade.

    He would be proud of it.

  3. it would look better if we could see it on you with a full lower back picture

  4. That's an awesome tattoo.  A great memorial to your father.  I think the tattoo would look great spread across the top of your back along you shoulder blades and your neckline.  

  5. I think that is super cute!

  6. Yeah, it will look real nice between the shoulder blades or a little higher & the D.O.B. should be on it too.

  7. yeahh thats really cute and toughtful.

  8. as a woman with tattoos i think that tat would look really good in between your shoulder blades,,,very pretty

  9. yes but only if it is really big...not like Nicole richies hers look weird because they are too small! )

  10. I love it! I have "On Eagle's Wings" tattooed on my upper back/lower neck for my daddy. He died in Dec., 2006 and this was a meaningful song we always shared between us.

  11. That is really sweet, and a nice way to have him with you

  12. yes it would look very nice and btw how did u do that design?

  13. I think its great. Ive been wanting to get something to remmeber my dad ( he died 20 years ago) but I ahvent come up with anything.  You should get it in between your shoulder blades.

  14. It would be a great memorial to your father.  but remember not to have it in a very visible spot on account of some employers discouraging against visible tattoos.

  15. Sure! There's a reason behind it and /you/ like it, so that's what matters.

    The only thing is to make sure that this is what you want. I love the eagle wing idea... have you considered more realistic wings? If you like the tribal look then go for it, but you might find you like actual wings better.

    Just giving you something to consider and good luck with the tattoo! It's a wonderful commemoration and you'll always have your father with you =)

  16. That is really sweet and thoughtful! I am soooo sorry about your loss!! It must be really hard living without someone who meant so much to you! I am once again REALLY sorry about your loss!! And yes, please do get that just seems like the right thing to do!!  

  17. It sounds so sweet. I think it will look great on your upper back.

  18. its cool

    what makes it cooler is that you will always love the tattoo and it has meaning behind it, thats what matters most but it looks good

  19. Very nice. It will look good where ever you put it.

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