
Does this tea have healing properties?

by Guest44868  |  earlier

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Chamomile tea. Have you seen it to work. I am using it as a bacterial remedy for my cats sick eyes. It is a kitten 6 weeks old, no mother :-(. Help, do you think applying it to a kittens eye area will end the bacterial or viral infection that may be on it? It is almost like its eye is glued can open them though. (Actually I have two identical kittens and they both have similar problems, one is worse than the other).




  1. Don't know about pets and wheather it works for eye infections but it is a very good mouth wash..... why not use synthetic eye drops or if you don't like to use conventional medicines you can use a few drops of Colloidal silver in each eye or an easier one is good ol' black tea...

  2. Sounds like the eyes just need to be cleaned out.  My cousins kittens had this and I just moistened a sponge with a lot of body warm water, then used it like the mom would.  I moved it in a light l*****g motion so it also helped them feel the bond that they would have with their mum and do it slowly, layer by layer cleaned out their eyes.  This needs to be done ASAP.  Never try to separate their eye lids when it is hard and crusty.. try that with your eye lids clued shut with supper glue, it would feel the same for them.  Good luck kitty mum! Cheers.

  3. That is my tried and true cure for pink eye. It has worked every time, but I can't say for sure in animals, but I don't see why it wouldn't work the same. =)

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