
Does this theory sound out there?

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Spelling is a mark of how we tell intelligence in the human race. The lower educated and poor spellers are more looked down upon as lesser humans, where as the great spellers of the world are lifted up as great mind.

Does spelling make you a better human because you can communcate more ways? And does the lack of spelling skills mark you as a lesser human waiting to be weeded out of the gene pool?

just a passing thought/theory. do you agree or dissagree? why? and can you come up with a counter point?(please state it if you can)




  1. It could vary from person to person. Some people could be able to look past a bad education, and see that schooling doesn't always determine your intelligence. But some may not be able to. It's all about circumstances.  

  2. Speling is neet.  I are a enginear ant I learnt speling reelie goodt in engneer sckool.  It is verey impotant to knoe speling about bilding stuff to get tha rihgt parts hoked up and cinnected too eacth other.  So the places dont fall down.  Thank you.

  3. I agree with you to an extent. I don't think that being a poor speller makes others look down on you as being a lesser human, but I do think that those with poor spelling are looked at as less intelligent.

    Someone also said that speech was another form of communication, which of course is true, but in that same line of thought if you have a small vocabulary and poor speech skills you will also be looked upon as less intelligent.

  4. no i dont agree with you at all. Spelling is one form of communication, speaking is much more common and usually is more of a practical thing.

  5. Einstein couldn't learn to tie his shoes, and was a terrible speller.  Yup...bad spellers are just dumb like Einstein.

  6. I donut drik sew. Aze longe aze yuu cane get yor ponit lacross, hoo carez?

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