
Does this thing really cure some STDs?

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I read comments on this video that say it can completely cure HPV and other infection..

Does anyone know anything about this cure? Also read the video description please...

And look at this person's best answer;_ylt=Ag7blONQVrYncSI_PvSFbozsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080604005737AApRnio&show=7#profile-info-l38WSJTxaa

It could be a scam I dunno. I don't have any STD but it'll be awesome if this algae cure is true though!

Maybe thats why Magic Johnson don't have problem with AIDS anymore..? Lol I dont' know...I'm still checking this thing out




  1. "Jim Humble" is a quack, the 21st century equivalent of the snake oil merchant who uses internet sites to promote his "cures".

    Yahoo moderators take note. You are about to be spammed by this crook.

  2. be careful of anyone who resorts to selling miracles as he is not a god not likely to have been contacted by one it is doubtful he even knows he has one not likely to have a cure for even a hang nail

  3. It's a scam.

    HPV is a complicated virus. It is actually MANY viruses.

    There are about 35 strains of HPV. Most of them are "silent" and will clear themselves from your system after a year or two. A couple of them cause genital warts, but will also eventually clear from your system. A couple others stay permanently active and can cause cervical cancer in women.

    Over 90% of people will have at least one strain of HPV in their lifetime. If you've had s*x with more than one person, you've had HPV. But since most strains aren't harmful, most people don't know.

    The only harmful ones are the ones that cause warts and cancer, and women can now get a vaccine which will help prevent you from catching those strains.

    As far as Magic Johnson, it's a problem of economics. If you have enough money, it is now possible to basically stop HIV in its tracks. He isn't "cured," but he will likely live a full and healthy life, because he has the money to pay for it. The outlook for people with less money is somewhat bleaker.

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