
Does this type of horse place exist?

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I absolutely love riding horses! However, I am not lucky enough to have the funding to have my own and house it or even just keep it at a ranch.

I was wondering if a place exists where you can buy a membership and go ride a horse whenever you want or at least once a week.

I am not talking about the type of place where you pay twenty dollars and they take you on a trail ride. I am in Illinois so if this type of establishment is so, please tell me ones around here!!

Thanks everyone!




  1. Here in Michigan, some places where you rent a horse by the hour let you lease them month by month.  Try checking them out, especially if you are into trail riding.  If you lease a horse at a barn and there are no trails around then all you have is an arena to ride in, unless you have a horse trailer.  If the barn is near trails that you can get to by riding your horse there that would be a good option.

    UPDATED 8/10 :

    We have a young girl here asking for suggestions, lets try and be nice in our answers.  There is no need to be nasty!

  2. Sorry, I don't know.

  3. Um you could try taking lessons?? Or co-boarding a horse...unlike a lease, the barn keeps the horse & you pay a monthly fee to ride it a couple times a sister used to co-board a pony before we bought our was like $150 a month...but that was awhile ago....ask around!

  4. I think what you might be interested in is leasing a horse. You can lease the horse so that you are the only rider or share a lease with 1 or more people. This is usually an affordable way to have access to a horse that is cared for and boarded by someone else.

  5. I have never heard of a place like that but you might be intrested in taking lessons

    Idk were your at in IL

    so I will pick some and see if they are near you.

    you can e-mil me and I will help you look for a decent place  

    not so cheap

  6. Good luck finding that in Illinois.  I bought my own place three years ago , intending to board and train here.  Once the reality of liability laws, and insurance costs, etc. set in, I began to realize why the only barns left open are charging what they charge.  What most people who don't own property or horses do not realize is that it costs a fortune for liability insurance to allow anyone on your property, or worse, to be around or riding your horses.  For me, it isn't worth it.  Even the so-called equine liability acts mean nothing in the real world of lawsuits...

  7. Never heard of a place you can do that at, but you can either take lessons once or twice a week or lease or share lease a horse with someone.

  8. try taking lessons. they let you ride school horses that are great for beginners, and once you get good, someone might let you exersize their horse or something...

  9. I've never heard of such a place. If there were, I'd be a member myself. Sometimes, some high-end subdivisions have equestrian centers, but I believe you have to live there and pay to board your own horse.

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