
Does this website show up for you?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i need to view this website for a school project, a singer who motivates me. So i chose the singer Pink.

Tell me, does this website show up for you?

or is it just my bad internet connection?




  1. ummm lmao it showed up as a p**n site sweetie

  2. walk2web will show you where it came from and where it goes.

  3. Yea I does.. comes up with a thing asking if I want to enter the site

  4. no dont even go to it its your bad internet connection it works shes right its a p**n site

  5. Ya it does but it is a pornographic website and I take it that it is not what your looking for so I would try searching it on Google or something like that and you should be able to come up with better search results.

    Good Luck =)

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