
Does this wind you up as much as I does me?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, scenario:

You're driving your car, and you get stuck in traffic. The car in front of you decides that he's not going to move forward when the vehicle in front of him moves on, oh no, he's going to wait until about 10 car lengths ahead of him, then he decides to shift.

Ok, so I know he's not going to get any further by being up the vehicles a*s, but all it does it makes people at the back of the queue think that the traffic jam is longer than it really is!!!!

Why do they do it? I've vowed that the next time I come across one of these people I'm just going to overtake them as they sit there in their car, waiting 'to be bothered' to put it into flipping gear!!





  1. Ohhhh yes. Bugs me.

    They think they're gonna average out the speed of the traffic so it's not stop-start. But it never works, it just annoys people.

    I always leave enough room to whizz around the berks if I can.

  2. if it a long que,,he might have turned his engine off to save fuel,,i have before,,especially when you use a car thats heavyish on fuel,,with todays prices!!! as you get older you will learn to be more patient,,lol.,,chill and relax ,,,your not going anywere are you.

  3. Yep, been there, done that. had a typical nerd doing exactly the same thing a while ago.

    Put up with it for about 20 minutes and then started to get fed up, couldn't overtake due to traffic on the other side of the road, so at the next stop got out and tried to have a word with the Burberry headed Chav in his Nova, got a load of verbal for a reply.

    By this time BIG gap in front of him, so got back in my car and eased up to his bumper.

    After giving due warning, started to apply Land Rover's rather heavy front bumper (complete with winch) to his back end.

    Problem solved.

  4. Yep,selfish sods aren't they.

    Like the ones' that break before indicating and drive at 20mph in a 40mph zone,I could go on but I'd bore you stupid!

    Hope tomorrow's better!!

  5. i feel your pain!!!

    i hate it more when people leave the indicator on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  6. Yes it would p**s me off, but it doesn't because I ride a motorcycle and I don't sit in traffic, I suggest you do the same my friend.

  7. yes!

    why they do it I never understood either, I mean, just catch up.

    I usually overtake them, though.

    Makes sence in the end, since they basically just sleep, and seem to have no idea what's going on on the road anyway.

  8. Did you ever stop to think that just maybe they have real painful hip joints and it takes a lot just to lift that leg so they can put it into gear.

    Many people as they age are unwilling to give up their independence(hand over the keys).

    For all you know they might have just had rotator cuff surgery.

    You are powerless over people in other vehicles and it isn't bothering them; it is eating your lunch; you are letting them ruin your day when if you just let it go you would be relaxed and happy when you got to your next appointment instead of being an old grouch.

  9. I do this, it makes sense. Why burn out your clutch?

    I hate it when people eek and think that is going to make things move faster, well actually keeping the traffic flowing (by taking breaks) is a much better way. If it's tailed back and you know you are going to be there for a while then you're an idiot if you carry on creeping.

  10. Its not a bother for me try some self control you will get where you are going to so its no big deal.

  11. again it is just another symptom of our sick society,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  12. What is even worse then that is when you rightly assume they will move on but they don't, even though they have plenty space in front of them, and so you get left on a yellow 'leave clear zone' - how do you explain that if 3 points on your licence come your way!!

  13. 10 car lengths, about 140 feet.  

    Good time to practice your relaxtion techniques, me thinks!!!

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