
Does this worry you?

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McCain is the oldest first-term candidate for President in U.S. history, and historians have pointed out that Palin is the least experienced vice presidential candidate in history.

No matter whether you like McCain/Palin or not as people, does this worry you? Are you comfortable with the idea of a President Palin? Couldn't McCain have picked Hutchison or someone else who could actually run the country if, God forbid, something happened to him?




  1. Usually, no one really remembers the Vice President anyway. People look at the President as the leader. Go ahead name all of the presidents, then try the VP's. You will not get far at all by memory.  

  2. Yep. There is no way Palin could lead.

  3. what's wrong with her? How is she unfit. I don't keep up with politics so can someone tell me? I actually think she would do an ok job considering the sad state the U.S. economy is in right now.

  4. Not at all!  When Reagan ran ... he was 69 and ended up serving two full terms.

  5. I think it's funny how quickly we've forgotten Dan Quayle.  Potatoe, potato.  HE was the most ridiculous and inexperienced VP we've ever had.  Sarah Palin is extremely intelligent and will go very far in her career.

  6. I don't think the term President Palin should not even be considered at the moment , she just got the potential v.p. position . but God forbid if McCain ( if nominated ) should pass from this earthly existence , then Palin has a whole cabinet to call on to give her help .

    I think Mccain picked her because of the awesome approval ratings she has  , but more being at least he is acknowledging that this america is growing past the black / women idea that they can't be president . It was a good business decision ( maybe )  

  7. This is the meat and Potatoes of my Concern, She has operated on a different level as a politician,now she is in the big time, and after 1 meeting McCain made her VP, this is serious and Republicans are playing politics with this and not HONESTLY considering the consequences, McCain Does not even have to pass, what if he gets sick.

  8. Yes, this very much concerns me. Reagan was really losing it by the middle of his second term (I actually lived the era).

    Palin: Alaska Governor for 2 years; 2-term mayor of town with population around 7,000.

    Another big negative, for me personally, is that, along with other Religious Right pronouncements, she believes Creationism should be taught as science theory (not as philosophy) beside evolution.

    This woman will try to have every American ruled under her own religious beliefs.  

  9. He could of at least picked Hutchinson. I am worried  for America if McCain wins the election. Its a real possibility that he could die in office and we would have Palin leading our country. Thats scary and I dont care if your a republican or democrat. We all have families and want to see our children have a future.

  10. I really believe that McCain chose Palin to get the female votes and I think it was a brilliant strategy to take those Hillary supporters votes to be honest.  I am voting for Obama regardless.  I know somebody who works for the McCain camp and does say that McCains senility is showing. He is getting old.  I think he's a good man but I think we do need change after what Bush has done to this country.


    Thank you and all are welcome.

  11. Nope and Palin will do fine should the worst happen.

  12. Obama the radical anti-American worries me a lot more.

    And as far as age goes, I would not feel comfortable having some punk kid running a country.

  13. Palin has exceeded all expectations in every govt. position she has held ..and currently has an 80% favorable rating from Alaska. She can handle it.

  14. average age americans live to is 78. Bieng in the PTA shows a concern about family and children. Bieng involved in your family if they play hockey and still having your career. Lot af Hillary supporters could learn from Palin.
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