
Does this year's strong hurricane season signal the end to global warming denial?

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It's very early in the Atlantic season, but to this point in the season it is above average for the number of named storms (2), the number of hurricanes (1), and the number of Category 3 or stronger storms (1). You can see what's expected here

Does this prove AGW? Personally, I don't think so, but another question claimed that the season was below average and thought that this season's hurricane climatology disproved the truth of global warming. I guess now that we know what this season has actually been ABOVE AVERAGE, by the same standard global warming is proved.




  1. There will NEVER be an end to the denial. Some folks are just contraries. Heck, there are still flat -earthers out there.

  2. Don't believe hurricane predictions.  The year following Katrina, "scientists" predicted the worst hurricane season ever.  Remember...after that prediction how fast the price of gas shot up?  Just junk-science at it's worst again.  In fact the year after Katrina was the lightest in recent history, with only one touching land.

    Hurricanes and global warming aren't related topics.  Hurricanes are real events, AGW is a weakening myth perpetrated by so-called junk science..."scientists" who can't get a real job.

  3. I've noticed that each year they say, "The worse season ever" and I am wondering if they have to say that just in case we get another Katrina?

    It's my understanding that with Global Warming, a cycle of hurricanes occur each 3-4 years, like a spike in the frequency?

  4. This type of question proves again the lack of real knowledge people have on the subject. Real global warming would reduce the occurrence of powerful storms because it needs both a hot humid storm front and a very cold storm front to create a real strong weather event. And this type of storm can be killed dead in its tracks by scientific application of counteracting force.

    First you use Co2 granules in a cloud seeding pattern to cool the incoming hot air stream, this will lower the power of the storm and wring the water out of it over open water or some safe place that can use it. The other option would require the space based missile killing lasers that the democrats killed off during the Reagen years calling it star wars. These could heat the cold side air just as they could have cooked missiles to lower the temperature gradient that powers the storm to make the storm lose its power and die off.

  5. It's going to help end the denial but not the complete denial.

  6. Of course it does, every weather anomaly proves that global warming is real.

    Today I read an article that links kidney stone to global warming.

  7. Where? --- when did the season get STRONG?

    Here read some hurricane history--

  8. No.  Neither an increase or a decrease in hurricane activity or strength proves or disproves AGW.  Hurricanes are simply 1 of many weather events potentially effected by global warming.

    We simply don't have as long or as accurate of hurricane records as we do temperature records, so a clear unequivocal conclusion about long-term hurricane trends may not reach consensus for another 5 - 10 years.

  9. Funny.  The only reason why there are two Atlantic storms so far is that one storm was counted twice.  Once in the Pacific, and the second time when it crossed a thin strip of land mass.

    Bertha is a dud.  It's losing strength while over open water.

    Clearly the hurricane season is a dud.  We'll have fewer storms this year than in past years.

  10. No way. We are talking non-existent in geological time. As a matter of fact, 100,000 years isn't a blip on geological time. It is irresponsible to gauge "global warming" on 20 or 30 years. It is a relatively non-existent amount of time.

  11. The same people that have rammed global warming down your throat will be the very same people that will try and shove it down your throat again if the worlds temperatures dropped. They will tell you point blank range that global cooling is caused by global warming. If you think that sounds stupid, you're in for a suprise, because this is exactly the nonsense that you are going to hear!

  12. News bulletin for Ken:

    Temperature records since 1800s in no way proves significant human caused warming.

    Since hurricane formation is complicated by many factors, their increase or reduction, in number or strength, does not provide reliable evidence for human caused significant warming either.

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