
Does those joint building medicines work? and which ones?

by Guest59445  |  earlier

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Twice torn meniscus and repaired, but told with in ten years ill need a knee replacment, active and want not to be limited by pain




  1. My doctor just recommended that i take glucosamine and condrodian for joints and ligaments, he advised me that it works.

  2. I have recently started taking MSM, and I can tell a difference. My doctor told me I have severe arthritis in the knees and will be a knee replacement candidate in the future.

  3. The only study I ever read about that actually had benefits had its subjects take 1500mg of chondroitin every day.  Most of the expensive chondroitin meds don't give you that much in a daily dose, so basically the usual doses are ineffective.  You can try it, but keep an open mind as the placebo effect (like most of the benefit of MSM) may catch you.  Take your doc's advice stick with NSAID meds and prepare for knee replacement.  BTW knee replacement is a lot more successful and less painful that other joint replacements.

  4. For joint health you only need to take glucosamine.  It is best taken in liquid form as only 15% of the pill form will be absorbed by your body.  Liquid form will give you nearly 90% absorption!  The recommended dosage is 1500mg a day and is easy to take (along with the antioxidant equivalent of eating 13 pieces of fruit a day) using this product.  I am a huge advocate of it and while some people are making a living out of selling it, I am just enjoying being a consumer. I have definitely noticed an improvement in the way my joints feel!   Here is where I purchase it.  Good luck.

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