
Does time exist?

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or, did we just like make it up?




  1. Time does exist. Gravity effects time in speed like if you had two clocks one at sea level and one high up in the sky then the clock down here would appear to be slower than the clock in the sky. This effects time so much that if you had a clock that said say 1:00 PM and the clock in London on that big tower might say 1:03 PM That's a really good question and hard to answer. =)

  2. Time is just a pigment of our imagination.

    ~Cikeee <3

  3. anyone that says no is wrong.

    a lot of people think time is just a concept that we created. those people are idiots. time has to exist, by definition it must exist. if time didnt exist life would be like a picture, a single image forever. but then again, there is no time so there cant be forever.

    and people must not know that its possible to manipulate time. its proven than at near light speed or in lower gravity time slows relative to another observer. time is real, and anyone that says otherwise is an idiot.

  4. Eh, in a way.. yes.. in a way.. no.

    See, the measurement of time is man made, though as you play a song.. and the song passes.. yes, time is therefore passing.

    But in the same sense, for example if you take what we call a second.. and slow in down, you'll get into milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, etc.

    until you slow time so far that man rather than having a word for it.. has a number.

    Until you get so far where we havn't even come up with a number.

    Eventually time could be divided by a more simple form of time to the point that all vibrations and all of existance would stop.

    In the sense that it is now of none existance [seeing as time is not moving... at all], nothing would exist.. and in the long run.. it makes you wonder "how we exist now"

    =) which there's a long story behind that but yes.

  5. That's obviously not an easy question. And you probably won't receive answers that have been thought through for more than a couple minutes. I'd suggest reading the article from wikipedia:

    The arguments for time not existing often center around what it means for something to be "real".

  6. Yes, time exists.  If it didn't, neither would we.  Think of it like this:

    In the universe, we have cause and effect.  Cause is a random event (me dropping a glass of water), effect is the result of that event (the glass shattering).  Cause ALWAYS precedes effect -- the glass would never shatter before I dropped it.  Without time, we would have no effect.  I would drop the glass, and nothing would happen.  Everything within our universe relied on cause and effect to form.

    As well, there are certain rules involved in time.  We can only travel forward, never revisiting the past.  Again, cause and effect come into play here: If I drop the glass, I can't go back to stop that action, right?

    If you want to get even more technical, space (our universe itself) and time are theorized to be a single 'entity' of sorts.  Certain events that affect space will also affect time -- when nearing a black hole, for instance, time itself with slow down (in theory).  As well, the faster you travel, the slower time moves for you.  If you were traveling at the speed of light, what seemed like only a few minutes to you would be years and years to the anyone who was moving at normal human speeds.  There's a reason for this, but it's a bit complicated to get into right here.  I'll link you to an article about time and space being one.

    Matter, energy and the universe itself are basically one with time, which is why we refer to it as "space-time".  By manipulating the speeds at which matter is traveling, you could theoretically manipulate how quickly time flowed forward... but you could never make it move backwards.

    The units we use to measure time, however, are a human invention.  Hours, days, months, etc. are basically the time equivelent of inches, metres and miles.

  7. time does exist but time is a man made object. and in all reality time only exist in the sense of travel and or have to be observed.before the big bang there was time, just nobody and nothing to observe it.when there was nothing in the universe ( for example:  .0001 of a second before the big bang,which is time)there wasnt anything to observe it. but in all reality time only exist in the sense of travel.

    i think scientist should also study philosophy.thats what made einstein so great,he was educated in philosphy.

  8. If time did not exist, then there would have been no need to type your question. It would already have been posted and answered. Does anything happen between the birth and death of an organism? Time is a tool. A way to measure the length of an event or the length between events.

  9. Of course time exists. People did not make up time, but merely recognized it.

  10. It is believed by some that time is actually non-linear. In a literal sense, everything happens "at once". However, our system of reality (and our brains) perceive time as a series of connected moments. Much like an ant crawling on a page in a book could not conceive of the entire page at once - it would only be aware of each letter as it went by.

    If so, then what we experience as "time" is indeed an illusion.

  11. Time is one of the two basic ingredients of the universe,neither can exist without the other,so without time we would not be here.

  12. yes it does if there was not time there would be nothing in the world

  13. Stuff like mins. hours and secs. we made up but time does exist  because if time didn't exist nothing else would ether
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