
Does time out work for you and your toddler?

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My 2 1/2 yr old is constently disobediant and don't know what else to do? Help!




  1. Time out works for us.  My daughter is 26 months.  Another discipline idea is to take away something he really likes.

  2. I have a 20 month old sister, and she is very disobediant, and it is very hard babysitting her all day, so I guess you are not the only one, I guess its something common for that age

  3. time out does for mine because she can't stand to sit still or be away from me! I'd have to think of taking away toys, favorite blankie, favorite movies if time outs didn't work...

  4. Can't reason with a 2 year old that is incapable of understanding abstract punishments.  

    They understand cause and effect.  They do this, they get spanked, they see the connection and stop doing what caused the spanking.  

    Alone time to reflect on his bad behavior is saved for when he gets solitary confinement in prison.  He can then use that time to reflect on his parents that use to use just the timeout method to raise a spoiled brat that manipulates his parents and grows up not taking accountability for his bad actions.

  5. My son is only 1yr old. So I have not try it yet. At home a big foam mat if he decides to throw himself back,  scream, and  l put him there and keep going about by business.(make sure there nothing he can hurt himself with) If the kid is just spoiled then ignore him, he just wants attention.  He will get over it when he sees you will not give in to whatever it is. But I worked in child care before and time out worked pretty well for most children. It has to be consistent to work. And there always a couple few it didn't work for every child is different.

  6. yeah works great though we've just started doing it, and my son has a very pleasant disposition to begin with and doesn't get into trouble.

  7. Start taking away/throwing away their toys when they act out. "You act like this, you loose your toys". Thats what my husband and I did, and it worked like a charm, after loosing a good number of toys, our daughter stays in line, and knows to clean her stuff up, or she won't have anything.

    We don't have a need for time out anymore. The toy tossing cleared the issues right up fairly quickly. Very rarely does she get into any trouble and will be 4 on Nov.2nd. When we did use it, it worked somtimes, and didn't others. So we just started tossing a toy everytime she was bad, or didn't listen.

  8. It doesn't work with my daughter at her age...she's 18 months and never sits still long enough for a time out. I'm hoping it will get easier.

  9. Sometimes it works.  However, I am not opposed to spanking when it becomes necessary. The approach I use now is this:  I tell them once.  If they don't do it, I start counting to 3.  If they aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing by the time I get to 3, they get a spanking (like 3 swats on the butt).  I rarely have to get passed 2.  It has worked wonders for me.

  10. Try it,maybe it'll work. it cant hurt. whatever you do, STAY CONSISTANT, thats the most important part.

  11. time out didnt work for me either. fir a while i would constantly put him back if he got up, but after a while you realize he doesn't really care. i started tapping him on his thigh.make it sting a little, it got his attention and he quit 90% of the time. i havent had to discapline him for anything in a long time. this continued  until about 3 years old. taking away never worked for me either-what are you supposed to do empty your house?? my son liked pots and pans for god-sakes what

    then??  everyone needs a different approach, keep trying different things and you will find one he doesn't like-stick with that. i never used an object or left a mark when i swatted him though, so take care and spank with love , not anger. remember whatever you do in the long run it is being done for a better purpose for him.  the better control you have, the more you can enjoy him.- Whatever  you do, dont ignore any behavior (fits,tantrums) . that is the worst advice i have ever heard of-

  12. Timeout works sometimes, but sometimes I have to give her a quick swat on the bottom to make her understand I mean business, then I set her in timeout

  13. Yes. I put my 3 y/o and my 22 month old in time out and they understand. I never spank my children. If time-out doesn't work then I take something away.

    For example: My 3 y/o daughter loves desert and because she doesn't get much junk food (all organic Family) she hates it when I take it away from her.

    If my 22 month old continues to disobey me then I take away his favourite stuffed animal that he takes with him everywhere.

    Now though, I barely ever have to actually take something away from them, I simply threaten to take it away and they stop.

  14. I started time out with my son at 18 months old and it works wonders.  I rarely have to do time out now that he is a preschooler because he knows I mean business when I warn "do you want time out?"

    You must be consistent though and don't forget him/her while in punishment.  1 minute per year of age.  Set a timer so it's fair.

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