
Does time pass or do we?

by  |  earlier

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I was talking to someone three years my elder and we came to the conclusion that time doesn't pass, but we (life forms) do. What do you think of that?




  1. since time time is nothing but a collection of moments held together by your perception it stands to reason that time does not pass.  time remains whether you are there or not moments come and go but time as a whole remains.  if time were to pass where would it go? i have never seen a puddle of time.  is time like electricity and the only true sign of it's passing is the force it exerts? i guess if you had asked for something to think about then i got the answer for you.  

  2. Ooh, deep. (:

    I feel that you would have a nice research topic here, but I once asked this question and ended up in a quantum reality battle and skipped out. So the closest conclusion I came up with is that the world is infinite and that everything goes on with or without a label such as 'time' and therefore am convinced that it is us that pass.

  3. I had never thought of it that way...the way you put it is rather interesting...very true...

    edit: but actually what is time, really, I was watching this video about the ten dimensions and the fourth one is time, or could say that we "invented" time to have a relationship between where where someone is now and where they will be later on...pretty cool stuff...

  4. Get this guy's book, "The End of Time".

    Your question is not silly at all, it's a great question, don't ever lose the desire to question anything and everything,  Question even that which appears to be accepted my the majority.  The majority can be wrong.

    A star for u for a great question!

  5. I think you have a really good point. That's true. It would also be a good quote.

  6. hmm!! wild thingking huh? I guess the answer for your  question is we do pass and time does it, Everything is changing including us and the time, time is only our basis that we our changing, That is why everything will pass

  7. I agree with u

    If u think about it we (humans) actually created time. We invented it to help sort out our life. We made it so we dont have to say "what time is the football match" and get an answer like "when the sun is exactly halfway from east to south." Instead we get an answer like "3:15 pm" or "half past four."

    Or ask "how old is the dinosaur fossil" and get an answer like "about 3 ice ages ago" instead get an answer like "1.5 million years ago"

    see my point?

  8. Pretty much hit it right on the dot. "Time is just a place", we pass.

    Good Question, Thanks


  9. Wow... this sounds like something me and my friends would discuss over a nice fat joint...

  10. Not just life forms, everything, all matter and energy.  Everything is moving in the 3 spatial dimensions so why not the 4th - time.

  11. Life forms arent the only indication of time.  What about inanimate, non living objects that wear away over time, such as rock, or the wood off of a tree, or even a leaf?  I think it applies to a lot of things, but not all, therefore I still believe that time passes.

  12. ya that's true.

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