
Does time stop? Does the clock stops? (dont include weak battery or faulty mechanism)?

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This is driving me really crazy!! Sometimes when i glance at the clock for the time, the clock stops ticking for lets say about 2 seconds.. then it starts as usual!! its as though the time has stopped and continues when i glanced at it!!! It happens to me most of the time, even when i look a the watch, or a wall clock, even the big clock tower across the street!!! But when i ask others did they notice it, they say its fine!! whats wrong?




  1. I have this happen a bit.  I think the guy talking about Kung Fu is right.  Your mind is just in a world of it's own.  Your body is good at knowing gross time, it is poor at subconsciously knowing small increments of time.  So when you look at a clock with a second hand, it's changing your current state of mind.

  2. Well, if it stopped for 2 minutes, it might be more impressive - but if it's only 2 seconds, yes, you really are probably just imagining it.  Sorry, but true.


  3. Yeah it happened to me once. I knocked my watch on my table. I looked at my watch and it was still ticking for a WHOLE minute. Then, after staring at it for a while, it stops!

    I think it is the battery or the human mind itself. Actually, it is not happening, but we see it happening get it?

  4. Have you ever seen it stop?  Of course not.

  5. Well, it could be your sense of time and space is a tad slow.  Or you could be a strong telekinetic and able to influence the clock.  It could be many things.

    Blessed be

  6. Sounds like you watched the 1st season of the TV series 'Heroes' recently.

    Have you tried this staring at a digital watch's seconds counter?  Or even better a sun dial?

  7. time only stops when you are tripping on acid

  8. It's possible the second hand is not clicking once per second.  I've seen several clocks that tick faster at one part of the dial than at another.  The minute is still 60 seconds long, but the measurement of it on the clock face isn't exactly accurate.

  9. If you are the only one that can see it you must be imagining it.

  10. Did you watch the movie "Spiderman"? There is a scene when he is in school and the bully tried to punch him and his reflexes are so fast it appears to him that time slows down.

    When I was younger, I used to train 5 hours a day in kung fu, and training for speed and fast reflexes was part of that. In action, the mind would speed up and it would seem like the whole world was moving in slow motion. (I haven't been in that shape for about a decade now)

    What I am saying is that perhaps at those moments, your mind is speeding up, which gives the appearance that time is slowing down.

    Are you very energetic, perhaps even hyperactive?

  11. There is nothing wrong, you have an over active imagination.

  12. Science barely has an understanding of time.

    What clocks do is give us an artificial measure that we call time in order to function with things like work, TV shows, and relationships.

    Certainly because the clock may stop doesn't mean that time (whatever that may be) has stopped.

    Further, this would be impossible to confirm because we can only measure passing time with devices so if time stops our devices don't work and we have no way of knowing that this is happening.

    It is possible that your sensation of this time stop is due to a medical condition call petite mal seizures which is a type of epileptic seizure.

    I would have this checked by your medical doctor.

    I have included a link below with information on this condition.

    The more you know....


  13. That's happened to me a few times.. I don't think time stops though you might look at it just after it ticks so it seems longer or something?

  14. maybe its just your perception of time,

    like how some days seem to go quicker than others.

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