
Does time truly heal all wounds?

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If you did something you deeply regret and don't think you'll get better will time always heal the wound, or are there some that never heal?




  1. During the time, the wounds might be perfectly healed, healed but living a scar, or getting  infected and causing more problems. It depends on how bad is the wounds, the wounds' location, variable factors which can make it worse or better, and how you handle the wounds

    So you see here, time has a passive role, it just like a passage you have to go through, and it can not heal anything

  2. I believe time wounds all heels, thats why Nike does so well.

  3. Unfortunatly some never heal,

    We have to live with things we have done and regret..

    It makes us stronger people and makes us learn our mistakes.

    They can be forgotten but they never heal.

    Amnesia pill anyone? :S

  4. Time Can, if you allow it to.  That said, there are some things that live in our heart of hearts that we may feel guilty or sorrowful about, something we did that just was not us.  I personally have gone back to people and asked them if there was ever something I did to hurt them and this couple said NO!.  I swallowed and was more specific about an incident that stayed with me, but they smiled (genuinely) and said, "don't be silly, Mike" and hugged me.  All the years of guilt and it was me that had the problem.  However, if I was wrong it would have felt good to express my sincere apology.  The truth can be quite healing, for all.  I even wrote a letter to someone who had died, about something I did years ago...took it to the grave site, read it quietly aloud and burned it right there.  It was like they came out of the ground and touched me.  I get goose bumps just remembering that day.

  5. Depends on what you do during that healing time.

  6. yes time heal everything. thats why women keep having baby cause they forget how much pain it wAs

  7. Some wounds never heal but time makes them easier to deal with.

  8. They will heal, but only to leave scars.

    Just remember the lesson, and move on.

  9. If you allow it to, yes!  Or you can carry the regret, guilt and bitterness around with you, for the rest of your life!   You must forgive your'self'!     It is your 'choice'!

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