
Does tire rotation help the alignment in cars?

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I'm set to get my tires rotated and just noticed that my alignment is off. Will getting the tires rotated help this or do I need to get something anything else done?

How bad is off alignment? :(

Its an 07 toyota yaris




  1. Tire rotations help the wear/tear on your tires.  Alignments are seperate and typically cost more, unless the place you go to offers free alignment with rotations.

    Keep in mind alignments are never perfect, and your alignment will be off the second you pull out of the parking lot.  If it's noticably bad, it's best to get the alignment done.

  2. No, a tire rotation wont help the alignment however an alignment will help keep the tires from wearing irregular. Sounds like you should get an alignment as well as a rotation.  

  3. You should have a reputable garage check and adjust the alignment, or you will end up buying tires more often then you want!

  4. tire rotation and wheel aligement are two different thing

    tire rotation allow you to wear your tire properly where wheel aligment is to make sure your steering system allow you to drive on a straight road with the stereing wheel striaght and not to one side

  5. Rotation will help your tires wear more evenly and therefore last longer. But, the alignment is another issue. Rotating the tire will not do anything for the alignment. If you notice that your car pulls in one direction or the other or if your tires are wearing very unevenly then you need to have an alignment done. You can have this done for around $50 +/- and it is certainly worth it. I recommend rotating the tires about every other oil change. By the way I also recommend changing the oil every three thousand miles period no matter what your owners manual says. Alignments shouldn't have to be done on any particular schedule just as needed.  

  6. getting your tires rotated does nothing for the alignment but it will help with the wear on the tires. Getting tires rotated helps the tires wear evenly so just one tire isn't wearing down more then the others. ie more right turns then left will wear down the right rear tire the most and sliding tires or gravel will wear tires unevenly as well. If you want to get your alignment it will make the tires last longer but a vehicle doesn't really need an alignment unless you ran something over at a high speed (ie. curb speed bump, annoying neighbor kid). Under two years old you really shouldn't need an alignment.  

  7. Wheel alignment is adjusted through the tie rods and steering linkage and is a separate process.

    Tire rotation is to insure that your tires wear evenly. If you did not rotate your tires the fronts would wear out sooner than the backs (because of front wheel drive and steering...)

    Rotating your tires will not fix your alignment problem. You must have it done at a service station. It's not too expensive, should be 50 bucks or so...depending on your car you will either need a 2 wheel alignment or a 4 wheel.

    If you don't get it done, your tires will wear out quickly and in an uneven manner.

  8. it helps your tires to wear evenly

  9. nope wont help it at all unless you have a alignment...if it wears the tires its off if it pulls to either way its off... look at steering wheel is it c**k to one side when driving its off.. really something that should be done 3 or 4 time a year or at least check..depending on the type of roads your driving on... it can be off any time you run into a potholes or hit curb, speed bumps, rail road tracks...sometimes it dont take much of a hit to knock it out.. 07 should have been check a few times

  10. It will wear out your tires faster and it may pull or drift when you aren't hanging on the steering wheel.

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