
Does toothpaste actually help "banish" zits?

by Guest32023  |  earlier

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Ive heard that if you put a dab of toothpaste on a zit that the chemicals in the toothpaste will cause the zit to go away. Is this true? No sarcastic answers please. Just answer the question clearly.




  1. Well for different skins its differnt. It didnt work for me and it so hard to get off lol.

  2. ok it works for me but i use listerine toothpaste

    like try it on a small pimple to see the efffects if it works do it for bigger pimples

  3. Yes it is true! I do it all the time!  I couldn't tell you the specific chemistry of how it works, but I definitely recommend the toothpaste remedy.  Actually toothPASTE (not gel) works the best, especially the baking soda kind.  Just a dab before bed, and you'll wake up in the morning with a significantly reduced pimple!  I LOVE IT!

  4. when i was a teenager .. toothpaste was supposed to make love bites go away too ... .but never ... i think its an old wives tale ...

  5. well it dries it out but for some people it just makes it worse

    answer mine please;...

  6. You are half-right by saying a chemical property in toothpaste eliminates a zit, because it does not actually make it disappear. It only stops the process of their development, therefore if you put it on it will not cause the pimple to go away, but it will stop it becoming more infected or enlarged, and decrease the length of time it lasts for. In saying this, you do not want to smother it, so be careful not to apply too much. Be aware that individual results vary, so try it overnight and see what happens. If it does not help and irritates the skin (especially if you are sensitive or hypersensitive) do not repeat the process.    

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