
Does toothpaste work on spots? does it make a difference what flavour or colour?

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Does toothpaste work on spots? does it make a difference what flavour or colour?




  1. It's supposed to work by drying out the spot.

    (I'd say a plain, normal toothpaste, not a striped or whitening)

    But I think you're better off with something like tea-tree or witch-hazel which is natural and designed to do the job.

    A little stick of tea tree stuff (from The Body Shop, for example, or Boots) will last you ages and you can use it all the time and not worry about having white stuff on your face!

  2. toothpaste works on zits if that is what you mean. however, that was back in the day! but there is a new toothpaste that works: crest pro-health, the blue mint one. it drys up excess oil from the zitty area. buy make sure you only use a little, and only leave it on for 5 minutes tops! otherwise you will get a patch of wrinkly dry skin, that could leave a scar two shades darker than your skin. so ur best bet is salasylic acid and benzoy peroxide!

  3. Yes toothpaste CAN work on acne but not all acne. You may find it doesn't really help at all and you should find a more proper treatment. not advised yo use with severe acne.

    You should use a toothpaste that is anti-bacterial and does not have to much fluoride. best results would be to use a basic toothpaste as wellbecause some of the things added into the toothpaste may irritate your skin more. Although a minty toothpaste will leave mintsmellell/taste on the face. Make sure you face is washed before you use the toothpaste.

    One main problem with using toothpaste is yes it does dry up the zit but it also dries up an irritates your skin. If that occur es, you should not continue with the method.

  4. No it doesnt work people just want to believe that. Don't try it, it sometimes leaves skars forever :l Would you risk that ?

  5. Yes, toothpaste does work on acne. I don't think the color or flavor really matter though....

      Right before you go to bed, wash your face, then apply it onto your acne. Leave on all night and when you wake up in the morning wash your face again. Make sure there is none left.


      I wouldn't recommend this if you have very dry or sensitive skin. It may irritated it and make it worse.

       GOOD LUCK! =]

  6. the reason that people use toothpaste on zits is because the toothpaste takes the moisture out of the pimple.  it dries it up so that it becomes smaller and less painful.  i use toothpaste when i get any acne spots.  it doesn't matter what color or flavor, but if you're concerned just use a little dab of white paste.  put it on at night and take it off in the morning.  =]

  7. I don't think that the flavor or color matters much.  An aspirin works just as well, just crush the tablet and mix it with a little water to make a paste .

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