
Does toronto have a different accent than vancouver?

by Guest59919  |  earlier

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do people from toronto have a different accent from vancouver?




  1. uhh.. im from toronto and i really didnt notice that but do we???

  2. I don't know if there is an accent difference, but lately I have been distinguishing between the patterns of speech. For example, people from Vancouver tend to talk in a somewhat relaxed, mumbly way, where as people from Toronto speak more confidently and pronounced.

    I have a feeling the might all be my imagination, so I would definately like to hear if there others who have noticed this.

  3. As one from the outside yes there is a difference BUT you will have to listen for it, it is quite subtle.  It is also more pronounced in certian areas of each city and I do not mean the ethnic accents.  

    You can tell a Torontonian born and raised by asking them to name the city that they live in it will usually come out as Tarana

  4. Nope I don't think so

  5. Not that I'm aware of. Canada doesn't seem to have a variety of accents like the U.S.

  6. NOT AT ALL!

    Dangerma... okay you have not even been to Toronto !!!

    No one I know in Toronto pronounces it like that !

    Lived in Toronto all my life and have many friends from Vancouver and people I know who have moved to Vancouver ...absolutely NO ...too many Americans on here answering for Canadians

  7. Only if you know what to listen for.

  8. No, not that you'd notice but you do find slightly different pronunciations and word variations from people who grew up in different parts of southern Ontario. Many people in Vancouver came from the east so you're going to find all kinds of Canadian accents in Vancouver.

    I grew up in Toronto and the only time you'll find me saying Tarana or Trawna is when I'm joking about it.

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