
Does traditional family have a future?

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Does traditional family have a future?




  1. Yes, as long as enough people believe in it.  Unfortunately, society in general has deemed divorce, unwed parenting, and g*y partnerships acceptable (the liberal government seems to agree).

  2. it has been on the downslide ever since No Fault Divorce became law of the land and so easy to get...and  unwed mothers became acceptable.

  3. Katy Perry singing POP music about kissing other girls while cheating on your spouse?  And song becomes #1?

    The family unit doesn't exist anymore.. It's a dinosaur.

  4. Family living is as natural to mankind as flocks are to birds, schools are to fish, herds are to buffalo, and packs are to dogs.  What I suppose you mean by "traditional" family living is mother, father, children.  However, that is relatively a new set up.  It wasn't that long ago that several generations routinely lived together.  "Families" were much bigger.  Nowadays, if a child is 20 years old and still lives at home, many people insist it is time for him/her to get out on their own.  And people are quick to place parents in "assisted living" homes.  

    I believe the "traditional family" is in the midst of being redefined.  I feel economic issues will cause many of us to go back to how it used to be; larger families, with multiple generations living together.  

    I guess time will tell......

  5. The answer depends on how you're defining the traditional family. I assume you're referring to the European nuclear family, which is actually a fairly recent development in human history; and notion of it as "traditional family" so popular in America only dates from around the 1950s, when it formed to combat the beginning trend away from it. So, I don't think that the Euro-American nuclear family as we learned to understand will exist in that form in the future. But it seems that, with the pressures of our post-industrial society, we are increasingly moving back towards a larger kin-structure that includes not only biological family but also extensions of friends. If we embrace this rather than run away from it as the "unmaking of the traditional family" I think we'll be better off. Children are better on in a happy home, no matter its makeup, than they are in a fractured nuclear family held together for society's sake. By extending the possibilities of the family, and the role of various other members in raising children, the future of the family is much brighter because it is less constrained.

  6. Traditional family like women can not own property?

    Women are treated as property?

    Women can be abused by their husbands?

    Ah the good old days

  7. What kind of a question is that? sure everyone has a future in the whole wide world even traditional familys honey

  8. I personally hope so. Although we could be suspicious of our peoples future (our people I mean human society). I think it will. Although nuclear family's do seem to be existing less and less I think there will still be those strong believers who will hold this believe and will not let go of the idea of a monogamous marriage.

  9. Frivolous divorce is to blame for where we are today. Women are left to raise men who, in turn, often become effeminate and turn to homosexuality as a result of the void for close male companionship created by their father's absence.

    Now we have g*y marriage becoming legal in some states. American values are taking a tragic downturn.

    Additionally, the Hollywood culture has made the baby into an accessory, similar to a handbag. Children are emulating this trend causing an increase in the number of unwed mothers.

    For example: Jamie Lynn Spears and the pregnancy pact made by highschool girls from Massachusets

  10. Yes.   I do believe that the traditional family: father, mother & children all living under the same roof as a unit has a future.  Will the traditional role of father as sole provider, mom at home w/children continue?  That more of an ecconomic question now than ever before.   If the current rates of increase in utilities(including gasoline), food, shelter, health care, & taxes does not stop or decrease there won't be anymore "stay-at-home" Moms, unless they are providing child care for others.

    That would be a shame,  not only for the individual family,  but for the communities, schools, states and in fact the entire country.  The politicians can pound their desks and ask for studies until they are blue in the face,  but the bottom line is that if the current ecconomic situation doesn't change soon there will be no more "middle class" in the will be all about the rich and the poor.

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