
Does transiting Uranus amplify abandonment issues?

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For example, if a person has a natal Uranus in X, one might expect people of that Sun to come in and out of your life rather unexpectedly. So, if this Sun also happens to be that of a close family member's, could we expect to see this as a pattern of abandonment in a person's chart?

(R_A's answer to Kelly's Pisces Moon question made me wonder that...)




  1. Yes, from what I understand, if one person has planets which aspect the other person's Uranus by hard aspect then these people can expect to be both drawn together and torn apart quite suddenly and unexpectedly, and sometimes repeatedly, depending on the synastry in the rest of the charts.

    EDIT: And duh, I just realized that you were asking about transiting Uranus, lol. So the answer is still yes, transiting Uranus as well as natal Uranus can lead to sudden departures of people from our lives and can amplify abandonment issues, particularly if Uranus is transiting in an area of our charts which might be sensitive to this in the first 4th house for example. The tendency with a relationship which either has strong Uranus aspects in synastry or a relationship which is started under a Uranus influence is for the two people involved to either be very suddenly drawn to each other, or very suddenly torn apart, and sometimes both. For example, Uranus transiting Moon in childhood, or at any time really, may indicate that the individual feels as though the mother is acting in an irrational and unreliable manner, and can indicate sudden absence of the mother either physically, or just in the perception of the individual, provided that other aspects in the natal and transiting (and progressed) charts support that this may be the case.

  2. Thats interesting Irish, since I always think abandonment is from harsh aspect to Saturn or Neptune to the Moon or the Sun , because abandonment could be emotional as in emotional isolation, not always have to be physically.

    Harsh aspect from Uranus to the Sun/and or Moon could indicate a need to be different from the tradition ( I do have Uranus square Moon, and I would go to miles to defy traditions that I deem unneccesary  and It is hard for me to settle down , so sometimes I would just disappear into thin air , sometimes even to friends , just to find myself again , whatever that is, lol ) , So in a sense, the person with Uranus square Moon or Sun ( either its natal, or in synastry where one's Uranus square the other Moon, or Sun ) could be seeking personal freedom in life and does not wanna be tied down . So in this sense , other people would feel like being abandoned by this individual.

    I'd say yes, in a way, Uranus signifies abandonment issue , more so in a physical sense , while Neptune and Saturn signifies it in an emotional isolation style.

    Edit ( after reading kelly's pisces moon Q , lol ) : yeah, Uranus would bring unexpected changes , both negative and positive , though I think it depends on how people perceive what is good or bad. Transitting Uranus to the Moon or Sun might bring counter effect to whatever situation the person/ or 2 people are in , Uranus seeks to change things that it deems no longer work , so in a way, if there is something in a relationship that isnt working , uranus would seek to change it ( much to the dislike of the natives because people tend to stick to the familiarities ). The whole transiting thing would then cause issue of abandonment.

    Thats how I take it anyhow. If I misunderstood, please elaborate, i ll check back and edit.

  3. Yes, I do.  Also, any Uranus aspect to a personal planet will do the same...

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