
Does travel always broaden the mind, or narrow it about more things?

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I live in London. Born in England worked or lived in London most of my adult life. Tourists and visitors every bloody where.

I have met people from most of the world.

Really after 40 years you do.

I have noticed though that some seem to react to new surroundings not by expanding their knowledge but trying to fit all the new stuff in boxes they already have in their mind.

Whats the point of that?

I would rather not understand than understand wrong.

Is that it is the unfamiliar so scary its better reign it in.

What do you think?




  1. Are you asking this as a local who has not travelled yourself because the world has come to your door step, or from a person who has travelled a great deal yourself?

    Travel does broaden the mind, its good to see different customs, ways of belief and different lifestyles. It wakes you up, makes you realise your way is not always the best way.  However, as the first person has said people the world over are the same, just dressed up differently.  We all ultimately want the same thing in life.

    Some people find travelling a challenge, some relish it, others seek out and stick to the familiar (ie McDonald's,fish and chip dinners, or British pubs abroad sort of thing) to help them cope with the different surroundings, rather than adapt to the way of life in the place they are visiting.  Its difficult to adapt to change quickly. its human nature to try find a link to what you already know.

  2. Traveling- not just the other countries but our home countries too- does broaden the mind. You meet new people and experience life from other peoples' perspectives. It does you a lot of a good and can make you a more open-minded person.

    At the same time, there are some people who 'travel' and go the whole backpacking experience almost as if they're trying to be cool. They go home and act like those who haven't traveled have no idea about life. I really hate people like that.

  3. If you travel the World and meet ordinary people, you then think we are all the same. The same aspirations and dreams for our kids to better themselves, but  the politicians and the religous leaders want the World to follow their beliefs. One on one from Mongolia to England to America we could be friendly, but bring in politics and religion and it all goes pear shaped. If we shot all politicians and religous leaders the World would be a better place.

  4. Definitely broadens the mind, I am from N.I., and firmly believe  by broadening your horizons with different cultures in different country, it puts a new outlook on how to deal with problems in your own country.

             Although in saying that when, i visit foreign shores i expect to live by their laws,  but the trend seems to be different in our own country

  5. People are different and they react to change different. A lot of people figure they are just they might as well keep to themselves. In London however, local people are really friendly for the most part so I guess that it kinda surprises me that people are still on the one track mind. Ever been to Spain? That's a place you might want to stay to yourself in.

    I have to admit, I love London. I am an annoying tourist though...I ask the locals where to eat and shop, they always give better advice than the hotel!

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