
Does troy smith sign autographs through the mail?

by  |  earlier

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I'm about to send troy smith a card to sign through the mail. Does any body know if he signs or has gotten an autograph back from him through the mail.




  1. took me 3 months to get tom brady's auto throught the mail in 2003 and it was during playoffs.

    5 months to get farve's

    2 months on tony romo

    4 months eli manning

    11 months payton manning

    4 months adrien peterson

    you might have to wait between 3 months-1 year!

  2. i wouldnt waste the stamp -- he sux

  3. that something you should have done months ago like when the.... the season is going to start real soon and its a 90% chance he will be starting QB  and he will be to busy so your chance of getting an autograph back is slim

  4. Its probably best if you mail him he never signs anything at training camp

  5. go to the game and wait outside the stadium for like 4 hours and ull get there autograph

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