
Does true love still exist?

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Does true love still exist?




  1. yes true love is out there for every one ,it will find you

  2. Yes, but not until a few months or years have passed since your heart was broken.

  3. Yeah it does without doubt!

    Thing is most people too easily drop their knickers looking for a quick shag rather than true love.

  4. Yes....married 22 years and would never do it different.

  5. Yes it does!

  6. with teenagers, its true s*x

  7. still??

    i would say true love exists more today than it used to...

    granted that depends on what society you live in

    but think about conveniance marriages, arranged marriages, people getting married to the first john that came along because they felt that they should...

    nowadays you can take time looking for your perfect match

    the only problem is in our .com adhd society people don't have the patience and don't feel the obligation to stick together and work on their marriages...

  8. Hopefully!

  9. Yes it does, and make sure you find it and marry it.

  10. Yes It Does But To Me It Sounds That You Are Disappointed But You Will Find It When You At Leats Expect It Good Luck And When You Do Find It You Are Going To Be So Happy I Found Mine At 14 And Dated For 5 Years And Got Married And We Are Going To Be 8 Years Married In December

  11. Yes, but you have to work hard at, and sometimes you get frustrated and disappointed. That doesn't make your love untrue, it just makes you human :)

  12. yes it does still exist.....

  13. Of course it does.

  14. I don't know what you mean by true love, but real love does just like it always has.  There is this triangle of types of love.  At the three points are intimacy, compassion, and commitment.  When you have all 3, which is ideal, it's called consummate love.  Most people at one point have all 3, but at any given time, most only have 1 or 2 of the points.  Each combination of points is called something lust or practical love.  

    The reason it doesn't work out for so many people is because they are expecting it to be like the movies.

  15. Yes it does, especially if God is in the relationship from the beginning.  

  16. yes it does.....not many find are lucky if you do....

  17. yes i believe it does exist, after 20 years and 2 relationships i found my true love and he was my first love also, i never forgot about him based my previous partners on there likeness of him, now i have him and he has me, foreva x

  18. In today's society, we are "instant gratification" people. We want true love, but if it doesn't happen instantly or quickly, then we think "they must not be the one," & we move on.

    My husband is an "instant gratification" kind of person. He told me he loved me 2 wks after we first met. It took me ALOT longer than that before I told him that I loved him. I had been burned in the past, & sure didn't want it to happen again, & I also didn't want to hurt someone else by telling them something that I didn't truly feel.  We've been married 11yrs, & he will tell our kids (blended family) about how I did wait to tell him, & how much he appreciates that now, because he knew I meant it when I said it. He's right.

    Don't give up hope; just take your time, & it will happen for you. You may also need to re-evaluate what your priorities are in what kind of person you want in your life.

  19. my true love is my husband =)

  20. yes, but in a lot of cases i think its one sided. I think one person truely falls for someone but the other person, although they are in love don't give as much.  

  21. Yes it most certainly does!!  

  22. I don't know, I don't really think so

  23. mmmmmmmmmmm-----I need to peruse that one

  24. Absolutely, but only for those who don't settle for less.

  25. Yes...  

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