
Does turning on the AC really waste gas?

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everyone tells me that if I turn the Ac on in my car it will waste gas....but I dont see how, or why?




  1. It will use more gas because your engine has an extra load on it because when you kick it on it has to turn the air compressor but as far as wasting gas that is up to each individual if you feel the air is worth it or not.


    The reason it will waste gas is because the A/C compressor runs off of your pulleys hence stealing power from your pulleys, causing the engine to work harder to move those pulleys. Engine working harder equals to you burning more fuel to power the extra work.

  3. The rule of thumb is if your are going under 45 mph the you use the AC but if your going over 45 mph then you roll down the window.

  4. It depends, if you are going under 60kph it wastes more gas with your AC on than your windows open. It wastes less gas with your AC on than your windows if you are going over 60kph.

  5. One way to find out for yourself. top off fuel drive with the AC on . Then top off the fuel again drive with AC off same distance preferable same rout. calculate your mileage both ways. there you have your answer.

  6. no in most cases and most cars now days its cheaper to use the air than to roll down a window,having a window down creates a drag on the car so that doesn't help with gas mileage at all using the air uses very little more gas,good luck.

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