
Does unopened makeup expire?

by  |  earlier

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I just found some makeup (mostly eye shadows) in a drawer and they have been there for maybe 4 yrs or so but some of them are brand new! so is it okay to still use them? i dont know if they are expired or not because they dont smell bad or anything. will they give me an eye infection?




  1. It should be fine as long as it isn't opened. it is very unusual to get infection because of makeup anyway. You can tell a make up is old when it starts having a smell, but that doesn't necessarily say that it's bad. It's ok.

  2. uhm if the makeup hasnt been open, please tell me how an infection could  come in contact with the makeup? it cant. so duhhhhhhhh, you wont get an infection.

  3. no if it isnt opened, is still make up which is 10 years old is hasnt given me any infections yet lol

  4. I personally would not use it. Even if unopened the preservatives in most make-up are going to start breaking down. That means the bacteria will begin to take over. My information says that most unopened make-up has a shelf-life of 2 years. Anything older than that I would get rid of. Buying new make-up is always better for your skin than risking bacterial infections or even simple blemishes.

  5. Things that have liquid in them (like mascara, liquid foundation) and "soft makeup" (like cream blushes, lipsticks, glosses, cream anything) expire sooner, I have heard you should toss them after 3 months.

    Eyeshawow can hold longer if it's powder. But if it's 4 yrs old, just buy new stuff!  

  6. i was wondering that too.

    but if its powder i dont think so.

    to be on the safe side, just buy new ones.

  7. they should be fine as long as they havent been exposed to heat.

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