
Does unplugging appliances save energy when they are not in use?

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Does it make a difference if they are left plugged in and if so, elaberate!




  1. Have you ever seen Maximum Overdrive?

  2. You can measure it yourself. buy this device called Kill-a-watt

    Many appliances (like a printer) contain a transformer which consumes little but not zero energy when off

  3. In a word....YUP!

  4. yes anything that is turned off will save energy

  5. Yup

  6. The ones turned off that draw some current to illuminate LCD displays use so little energy it is not worth the bother of unplugging them.

  7. Yes. If you have a lot of them it does. But that is a lot of stuff to unplug. I put a switch on the same line my computer & all that stuff is pluged into, So when I shut off my computer, I then turn off the switch.It  kills all the power going to the TV, VCR, Printer And other stuff that does not need to be on (In stand by mode) when I'm not using it.

  8. I remember on the Oprah show that the guest said that even if appliances are plugged in and are not in use, energy is still consumed.

  9. Yes. Always unplug kitchen stuff, because it still has to " payattention" when its plugged in.

  10. Yes. Television sets, refrigerators, and computers especially use a lot of energy even when turned off; turning these and other appliances off WILL save you money on your electric bill!

  11. A recent survey has shown that these 'vampire' appliances, (computers, TV's, appliances with clocks and/or timers, etc.) that use power even when turned off consume approximately 40% of the power used in the average home.  (Found on Yahoo, Science section!)

    I don't know about you, but I have switches to turn off ALL my plugs EXCEPT the refrigerator, and have had for years.  (NOTE:  I am NOT on the grid.)

  12. Do not unplug your appliances! While there may be a bit of electricity used to maintain them, by removing the plug you will loose much more electricity from the un-tapped plug.

    It is only common sense that will tell you that an open plug leaks an enormous amount of electricity daily.

  13. Items on Standby cost money.   People should have the TV and VCR/DVD plugged into a powerstrip and shut off the powerstrip at night.  Don't leave rechargers plugged in either.  Set up your computer in hibernate mode or shut off completely nightly.

  14. The person who wrote "vampire appliances" hit the nail on the head!

    Appliances are still drawing a current.  Put you hand on the electronic devices power-supply and you'll feel its warm.  That's energy / heat being wasted.

    My fix (isn't functional, but practical & functional) is to mount power strips to the wall @ waist level above major outlets.  When you're done with the appliances, you turn EVERYTHING off @ the power-strip.

    This saves you energy and you don't have to bend over to reach a pesky plug or adapter! :-)

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