
Does upbringing make someone more or less likely to volunteer?

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I am doing a very basic research paper, and I am looking at if someones family and/or environment make them more or less likely to volunteer and feel better about themselves through helping others. Any response is encouraged, tell me if you volunteer and if you feel the people in your life and your life affect it. Thanks.




  1. While it may not be the only factor an individual's upbringing has an enormous effect on their willingness to volunteer or aid other people.

    For my family it is considered an obligation. Alot of this attitude is related to our religion. We believe we were put here to help one another. Every time I went to help a neighbor I took my son along. He learned from an early age that was just what we do. He actively takes part in volunteering now of his own free will.

  2. Upbringing can be a factor either way, actually, because whether you were encouraged to help others or not, your own sense of worth may be enough to help you realize that others need help, as well, and so, you would be more willing to volunteer.  If you have a skill to share, then, you would be more likely to volunteer. If you were raised to think that anybody with less than you was trash, you might not be able to overcome that negative upbringing, but, again, you might be able to do so.  most of it is your own personal sense of self-worth.

  3. I do believe that upbringing has something to do with it. I teach in a Philadelphia public school and my middle school students thought that community service was only done if you were in trouble or getting out of jail.

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