
Does us using to much water affect Global Warming?

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My friend said that it did, but how could it it?




  1. No. water is a natral matter.

  2. Not really. Water is naturally "Recycling". What we USE, just ends up going back into the Hydrological Cycle- & come back DOWN on us again- as rain or snow. Of Course, Global Warming WILL affect how MUCH of either will come down in any one place, at any one time... -but as LONG as we use Our fresh water resources WISELY, we shouldn't actually run out of it... :)

  3. No.

    In some areas of the world there are droughts and so using too much water will cause water shortage. but no generally around the world using too much water will contribute nothing to the global warming crisis.

  4. your friend is wrong...when we use water all we are really doing is moving it. it is not destroyed or created when you drink it or water your lawn with it.

    the only problems that arise from using too much water would be water shortages in specific areas.....most places in the US dont typically have this problem

  5. The answer is yes. One gallon of water weighs eight pounds. Water does not move from the ground into your house by magic - it takes energy to get it there. Any use of energy - whether it is your car driving, a factory producing steel, or moving water from point a to point b - increases the phenomenon known as global warming.

    In some areas it takes much more energy to get water then others. In Key West and many islands is the Caribbean they utilize saltwater treatment plants. I suspect they use them in California as well. Not only must this water be pumped out of the ocean, but it is a very energy-intensive operation to remove salt from water. Depending on the location, this energy will be created from coal, natural gas or oil-fired turbines. Again, any use of energy increases global warming.

    Thus, the answer is yes, because moving/creating potable water takes energy to accomplish.

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