
Does using eye contacts all day spoil ur eyes?

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I never used glasses or contacts before. Of late, I am observing blurred vision and planning to go for an eye exam. Can I use contacts instead of glasses? and does keeping contacts always on, damage ur vision more?




  1. Using lenses, either glasses or contacts does not weaken your vision.  

    All contact lenses have a certain amount of moisture and oxygen they allow to reach the eye and a finite number of hours of safe wear.  Check with your eye doc to get that safe number of hours recommended for your brand of lens.  Sometimes this is even extended wear for several days.

    Exceeding this safe number of hours or days can cause your eyes to lose moisture or oxygen and cause physical damage.

  2. I'm fairly certain you must use glasses for two years before getting glasses. Although I first got glasses when I was 13 so maybe it's different for kids. Contacts don't hurt your eyes as long as you keep them clean and take them out every night to soak. But if you're going to an eye doctors, he/she can tell you all the details there. Good Luck!

  3. Sure you can wear contacts, but from my expierience I would get glasses too. I wear glasses in the evening, to help my eyes get some rest. Contacts can dry up your eyes.

  4. I have had contacts since I was 15. I am now 44. My visual changes over the years are all normal and attributed to normal visual changes and not to compromised eye health due to contact lense use. Always follow your doctor's directions and have an eye exam yearly. That is what I do and also what we recommend to out patients in our office where I work.

  5. If your vision is not very bad, consider getting a eye exercise program.

    Your eye doctor will know about them or you can find them online.

  6. No, contacts do not harm vision at all. If they did, they wouldn't be allowed to be sold.

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