
Does using i-player use up a lot of your monthly allowance? ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Do you mean your download limit?

    if so then i wouldn't think so as you are streaming it from the website rather than downloading it?

  2. Quite possibly, not knowing who you're with I can't tell for sure. Depending on whether you download or stream, a typical download of a program that is 60minutes long could be between 250MB and 600MB (I have programmes currently downloaded that vary like that), it usually states when you download the file size. This will be used as part of your allowance, I would check with your internet provider whether streaming is included within this as some do. A good rule is to try and download outside of peak times which I think is between about 5-6 in the evening and midnight which causes less of a concern for the provider checking up on your usage

  3. No.  It doesn't cost any extra.

  4. how much your allowance?  EAch show is about 100mb but your allowance is in gigabytes.

    You should be fine if you don't download shows, just stream them if you can.

    (When you download them, you keep them on your hard drive and other people download them from YOUR hard drive.  This makes it cheaper for the bbc)

  5. yea a lot.

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