
Does using the air conditioning in your vehicle consume gas?

by  |  earlier

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Please solve this debate for us.......does it consume gas or does it run off the electrical system...? Or something else entirely? I say it does, she says it doesn't!




  1. no she is wrong when you use the air conditioning it uses the gas not the electrical system

  2. Do a search, this question gets asked 2-3 times a day here.

  3. Yes it does.  

  4. 'fraid it's a well known fact (well, at least known)...(well, at least fact) that car air conditioning systems do consume petrol when in use. Personally i only use mine if it is diabolically, jungle type hot weather  cos they certainly use up the juice and i havent got the dosh to waste on it.  So yes sir, you is right.

  5. The A/C compressor is driven by a belt powered by the engine, thus creating a load, or strain, on the engine which then needs to burn more fuel to "keep up".

      The things to remember are the size of the engine and thereby it's ability to handle the additional load, the driving conditions and the speed you're traveling. Tests have shown that the reduced aerodynamics caused by open windows at cruising, or highway, speeds are just as detrimental to fuel economy as using the A/C.

      As an aside, running the electrical system also consumes more gas;

    the additional load on the alternator caused by using your headlights

    is, because it too is driven by the engine, going to use more fuel.  Granted, not in any great volume, but a fact nonetheless.

    I don't know which side you fall on, but personally, if it's 100 degrees out and I'm in slow traffic with little or no breeze, my A/C will most likely be on!

  6. It does but not that much. The cars back in the'60's and 70's really made a big difference in the gas mileage with the AC running. The compressor for the AC is turned by a belt on the engine. The old cars had piston compressors which were very inefficient, heavy and loaded the engine. When you turned them on, at an idle, you could hear the engine lug down. The cars from the 80's on have used rotary compressors which are much more efficient and don't load the engine much at all. If you turn the AC on, with the engine at an idle, you barely notice any change, with the newer cars. When on the highway driving with the windows open will drop your gas mileage more than keeping them closed and using the AC.  

  7. yes it does.

    you are right, she is wrong.

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