
Does using the computer participate in pollution?

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For example, when you use the computer, does it release some kind of things that cause pollution.




  1. As you use a computer, one thing it does is get hot, and heat is a kind of pollution (think global warming).  Also, if you have a CRT monitor, its high-voltage circuits may fail and begin to spark a bit, creating ozone.

    A computer is made of toxic substances, such as mercury and lead and resin, but these are not released into the air until the computer is burned (in other words, fries its mainboard).  If your computer has worked a long time without frying itself, then it's not going to harm you.  Just don't try to eat it, and you'll be fine (he he he).

  2. Not at all. Apart from the fact that it uses power. The way the power is generated (especially coal, oil and so on) will create pollution, if you want to consider Computer omit pollution in this manner.

  3. Further on Shivan's answer (which is right on the money):

    Per capita useage of electricity has about doubled in the last 15 years.  That means that every person, at least in the US, is using twice the amount of power than people used in the 90's.  

    Look at the power that you use now vs then:  computers, modern tv's that are "always on" (if your TV does not need time to warm up, it's always drawing power), etc.

    If you leave your computer on all the time, then you are creating more demand for electricity that is probably being manufactured by fossil fuels.  

    Imagine how many coal fired plants we could shut down if everyone returned to their power demands of just 15 years ago!

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