
Does using the windows instead of air really improve gas mileage? if so how much?

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haha. actually i have seen that mythbusters episode. i was thinking about it today and i just couldnt remember the results. thats why i asked.




  1. yes it does .. like really.  open the windows or push the button by the a/c

    it has a pic of it

    ull know wat m talkin abt

  2. in town roll down the windows

    highway use air

    really neither one matters enough to make a huge difference.

  3. apparently youve never seen mythbusters, they tested this adn if its ONLY the windows OR a/c, its the same mileage, at any speed

  4. Using windows instead of air only works for within the about 5 MPH depending on the vehicle.  However on the freeway it doesn't matter.  You actually create a drag on the car with your windows rolled down.  So on the highway, put on the air.

  5. it doesn't, if anything, the windows down create drag and make it so the engine has to do more work in order to maintain the same speed, and using the air conditioning should only be done when necessary

  6. No.  That is a myth.  They are actually about the same.

    Using your a/c puts strain on your engine which causes it to burn more fuel.  

    Lowering your windows instead, however, causes more resistance and makes your car less aerodynamic, so again, you're burning more fuel.

  7. no,  open windows do the same

  8. no it wont actually save on gas because it creates  negative draft which will slow the car down some and make it use more gas,they did studies on all this and proved that its actually cheaper to run the air conditioner than to roll the windows down myth busters also tested this theory and found it to be true,good luck.

  9. No, it hurts gas mileage at speed.  It certainly would be okay in slow traffic.

  10. windows waste more gas because it pushes the car back making it use more gas and it is only worse by just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil bit so it doesnt really matter which you use

  11. ABSOLUTELY!  ANYTHING that makes your car use "its" energy, will cause you to burn more gas cause that's what it's all about with a car.  Using your a/c causes the car to have to use its power to do this.  Opening the windows uses no power and cools the car without any help from the car's engine, etc.

    TIP:  I use my a/c and, I guess you would have the same settings as I do.  When I bought my car 3 years ago, the car salesman told me this.  On mine anyway, you can either hit the "outside air" button or the "inside" when using your a/c.  The "inside" is what normally goes on when you put your a/c on max to cool it when your first get in your car.  That pretty much recirculates the air INSIDE your car and doesn't use as much of the car's energy (therefore, less gas). If you set it to "outside" air, that brings the outside air in and the engine or whatever has to cool it before it comes inside your car and, therefore, it uses more energy (i.e. gas).  I usually keep mine on "inside".  At some point, on a long trip though, you need to then switch it to bring outside air in for just a bit because the air gets dry in the car otherwise....although I've never really noticed that but that's what they told me.

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