
Does vaso dilation occur when you are too hot?

by Guest44822  |  earlier

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So when you are hot, vaso-constriction occurs.

And when you are cold, vaso-dilation?




  1. Yes, it's called sweating.

    Edit: Vasodilation means your body wants to get rid of heat by moving the blood closer to the skin surface - hyperthermia or heat stress, heat stroke, heat exhaustion.

    Vasoconstriction means your body wants to keep the warm blood closer to the heart, lungs and brain, to keep the organs function - such as in hypothermia, frostbite, jumping into a cold lake.

  2. To 'need help please' -  You have it the wrong way around.

    (Dilation = Expand, Constriction = Shrink)

    Dilation does occur during heat stress.

    Constriction during cold.

  3. That occurs when you are cold, when you are hot they expand, when you are cold they shrink. Hope that helps! Good Luck!

  4. When you are overheated, vasodilation takes place in the skin blood vessels as the blood attempts to offload heat into the environment. This is why people appear flushed or red when they are hot. Blood vessels in the gut tend to vasoconstrict in order to shunt or redirect blood to the skin to "cool off."

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